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Resultat fra udstilllingen i Silkeborg 17. september 2011
Dommer: Brenda Rance, GB

BIR - O'Talix's Magic Mc.Luna (KLUBCERT) BIM - Toot's Chantilly Lace (KLUBCERT)
2 - Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne 2 - Oriana's Traceable Target
3 - Curias You Can Call Me Candy (CERT) 3 - Spotnik's Golden Globe For Oeriana (CERT)
4 - Frihedens Regina Royale 4 - Crazyspots Aeolus

BIR O'Talix's Magic Mc.Luna og BIM Toot's Chantilly Lace

Baby: Tre Falke's Finske Fidelius, SL1. Baby: Tre Falke's Flora Finnica, SL1. BEDTE BABY.
Tre Falke's Fanlight Fanny, SL2.
Allivalit Gunilla, SL3.
Allivalit Gaia, SL4.
Casa Di Strega's Elce, SL.
Allivalit Gine, SL.
Hvalp: Lots Of Spots Big Man Clarence, SL1. BEDSTE HVALP.
Lots Of Spots Bruce The Boss, SL2.
Hvalp: Lots Of Spots Madame Marie, SL1.
Lots Of Spots Sloppy Sue, SL2.
Aida, SL3.
Carmen, SL4.
Latraviata, L.
Junior: Crazyspots Aeolus, EX1. CK. BHK4.
Crazyspots Aquilo, VG.

Kernehuset's Prima Amanda, EX1. CK.
Crazyspots Athena, VG.


Jilloc's X Factor, EX1.

Mellem: Frihedens Regina Royale, EX1. CK. BTK4.
Åben: Spotnik's Golden Globe For Oriana, EX1. CK. CERT. BHK3. Åben:

Curias You Can Call Me Candy, EX1. CK. CERT. BTK3.
Ekryda Rind, EX2. CK.
Allivalit Emma, EX3.
Kernehuset's Zitha, EX4.


Toot's Chantilly Lace, EX1. CK. KLUBCERT. BHK1. BIM.
Oriana's Traceable Target, EX2. CK. BHK2.
Gerry Vom Hügel, EX3.

Champion: O'Talix's Magic Mc.Luna, EX1. CK. KLUBCERT. BTK1. BIR.
Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne, EX2. CK. BTK2.
Solbo's Linette, EX3.
Toot's Counting On A Miracle, EX4.
Veteran: Ingen deltagere Veteran: Ingen deltagere


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