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Kritikker fra klubudstillingen i Vig 28.05.2011
Dommer Jelena Kruus, Estland

Babyklasse hanhund.

1. Lots Of Spots Big Man Clarence
DK00137/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. E: Hanne Darlyng Larsen, Langagergyden 15, Nr. Lyndelse, 5792 Årslev. Tlf.: 40401634
Very nice 5 months old puppy boy, very well developed, good bones and body, lovely head with excellent expression, correct ears set, scissor bite, good neck, quite correct topline, good tailset and carriage, very nice front, good brisket, nice stiffle, correct angulation, good mover, nice coat, good temperament.

3. Othello
DK03491/2011, 08/02/11, hvid m. brun.
(DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik´s Viking Victory – Oriana´s Remarkable Rodwina.
O: Anna Søgård, 8240 Risskov. E: Søren Jacobsen, M. Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 61376362
Charming four months old baby, with level spots, very well developed for his age, nice body bones and proportions, nice head with lovely expression, eyes could be darker, correct ears, good reach of neck, typical topline, very well developed ribcage deep and wide, excellent front, very good angulations in front and rear, moves nicely, very good spotting, excellent temperament.

2. Lots Of Spots Bruce The Boss
DK00134/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O + E: Pia Jensen, Nymarksvej 30, 7100 Vejle. Tlf.: 28780708
Nice five months old male, very good bones and body, lovely head, good length of muzzle, scissor bite, good length of neck, well developed for his age, typical topline, excellent front, deep and wide ribcage, angulations in rear and front in balance, moves nicely, nice mover, good black and white.

Babyklasse tæve.

4. Lots Of Spots Madame Marie
DK00133/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. E: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 29643445
Excellent type, five months old bitch, correct body and bones, very nicely developed for age, lovely head with excellent expression, good ears, nice decoration, good pigmentation, very good reach of neck, good topline and tail, good brisket, nice underline, very good angulations in front and rear, nice mover, good temperament.
SL1. Bedste baby.

5. Lots Of Spots Sloppy Sue
DK00132/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. E: Britta Larsen, Voderup 21, 5970 Ærøskøbing, Tlf.: 51307042
Lovely liver spotted five months bitch with a lot of temperament, correct body and good strong bones, needs more ring training, lovely head and very nice expression, good length of muzzle, typical topline and underline, good chest, brisket deep enough, good angulations in front and rear, moves nicely when she moves.

5A. La Traviata
Very nice four months old bitch with nice spots and nice temperament, nicely developed for age, body with good proportions, nice head with good expression, nose pigmentation could be more complete, excellent front and rear, good neck and topline, correct tailset and carriage, very good mover and nicely showed.

Hvalpeklasse hanhund.

6. Kernehuset´s Prima Alaska
DK21147/2010, 25/11/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Toot´s Dance With A Stranger – DKCH O´talix´s Magic Mc. Luna
O + E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg. Tlf.: 63210806
Six months old puppy, nicely developed for age, with correct bones and body, typical head, enough length of muzzle, scissor bite, a little bit skinny on throat, correct length of neck, good topline, enough angulations in front and rear, brisket deep enough, correct length of ribcage, skin under the eyes not in good condition, nice coating, good colour of spots, good mover.
SL1. Bedste hvalp.

7. Venla Cee All-Out Aston
DK20452/2010, 30/10/2010, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH SECH Oriana´s Traceable Toffee – Allivalit Chanel)
O: Charlotte Holm, 4070 Kirke Hyllinge. E: Helle Kari Nielsen, Svalesøvej 7, Veddelev, 4000 Roskilde, Tlf.: 46756252
Big seven month old male, very strong boned and body, lovely head and expression, good strong body, correct neck, topline could be better, tailset could be better, correct angulations in front and rear, chest deep enough, nice black spots, could be more regular, nicely showed.

Juniorklasse hanhund.

8. Crazyspots Apollo
DK16344/2010, 25/08/2010, hvid m. brun.
(NLCH BECH Elaridge Celtic Warrior – WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle)
O + E: Jens Møller Christensen, Kongshøj Allé 100, 5300 Kerteminde. Tlf.: 65325225
Very good type, nine months old junior, with correct bones and body, lovely head and expression, good neck, topline should be better and tailset too, a little straight in front, enough angulation in rear, nice colour of spots, good temperament.

9. Frihedens Royal Ravindra
DK06821/2010, 27/03/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Spotborne Heaven Can Wait – DKCH Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas)
O: Jette og Jens Mauritzen. E: Kirsten Lisbeth Ottow, Tranebærvej 119, 7500 Holstebro, Tlf.: 97430393
Strong big male, masculine, with strong head, correct muzzle and nice pigmentation, good neck, typical topline, good front, light brisket, good angulations in rear, could move with more drive from behind, nice temperament.

10. Crazyspots Aquilo
DK16346/2010, 25/08/2010, hvid m. sort.
(NLCH BECH Elaridge Celtic Warrior – WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle)
O: Jens Møller Christensen, 5300 Kerteminde. E: Lars Bjerre; Lærkevej 22, 4200 Slagelse. Tlf.: 28100595
Nine months old junior, correct size, enough bones, lovely head and expression, elegant neck, correct topline and tailset, a little straight in front, correct ribcage, very good angulation in rear, a little lose elbows and close in hocks, spots could be more regular.
EX2. CK.

11. Spot Thymus Natural Selection
DK14260/2010, 11/07/2010, hvid m. sort.
(SECH DKCH Ridotto Napoleone – Spot Thymus Miss B. Haven)
O: Karina Sonja Jessen Bjerre. E: Yvonne Camilla Gerving, Gribskovvej 41, Kagerup, 3200 Helsinge.
Nice young dog, size and good proportions, excellent temperament, correct head, nice expression, muzzle could be longer, good ears and eyes, strong neck, good topline, very well developed ribcage, deep and wide, enough angulations in front and rear, moves nicely but could have more drive.
EX1. CK. BHK4.

6. Arti
Ej mødt.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

14. Spotnik´s Golden Globe for Oriana
NO30187/10, 27/11/2009, hvid m. brun.
(WW10 Alpadirato Future Brand – Spotnik´s Coffee Cream)
O: Helle Høie, Norge. E: Helle Høie og Søren Jacobsen. M. Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre.
Excellent type, muscular dog, one and a half years old, strong maskuline head with lovely expression, strong muzzle and good pigments, very nice reach of neck, excellent topline and tailset, enough developed front, deep brisket, angulations in front and rear in balance, moves nicely, nice coat and nice temperament.

Åben klasse hanhund.

14. O´talix´s Magic Mc.Magnum
DK23453/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Eva Hundrup, Vordingborggade 6B, 2100 København Ø, Tlf.: 22159808
3 and a half years old, strong, good bones, typical head, could be more elegant, correct ears and eyes, neck could be a little longer and topline more correct, needs more show training to show himself better, a little straight in front, stifle could be stronger, angulations in rear could be better, could move with more drive, good colour of coat, spots could be more regular, skin on neck spoils the view.

15. Perdita´s Sparkling Star
NO43498/2009, 05/05/2009, hvid m. brun.
(Perdita´s Right On Time – Perdita´s Alive And Kicking)
O: Kari Ditlefsen, Lena No, Norge. E: Stephanie Wahl, Germany
Excellent type, good size, nice bones and very good condition, very well developed for two years, very nice head, correct ears, good eyes, strong and long muzzle, nice neck, good reach of neck, very well developed, a little long in loins, a little short in croup, correct angulations in front and rear, nice mover, tailcarriage could be better when moving, nice temperament.

16. O’Talix’s Launches The Phoenix Bird
13309/2005, 02/04/2005, hvid m. sort.
(NOCH FICH DKCH NORDCH INTCH Toots Working Class Hero - DKCH O’talix’s Introduces Crazy Daisy)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Lone og Peter Øgaard, Gyvelvænget 98, 7730 Hanstholm, Tlf.: 97962826.
Strong powerful male, six years old, could be better temperament, strong head, a little wide skull, muzzle could be longer and stronger, enough length og neck, typical topline, a little short in croup, tailset could be better, very strong bones, good ribcage, a little straight in front, rear angulation could be better, skin could be in better condition.

Championklasse hanhund.

17. DKCH SECH INTCH DECH DEVDHCH Oriana’s Traceable Target
03334/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik’s Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 2650 Hvidovre. E: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 36755122.
Excellent type, five years old male with excellent condition, very good size and proportions, nice bones and body, masculine head, good earset and carriage, enough length of muzzle, powerful neck, a little skin on throat, good topline and tailset, enough angulation in front and rear, well developed ribcage, very nice mover by side, a little loose behind, good spotting, nice temperament, skin could be in better condition.

Juniorklasse tæve.

18. Mellanmöllan Let´s Dance Salsa
SE20185/2010, 20/03/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – NORDCH NOCH INTCH DKCH SECH Mellanmöllan Bright Pearl)
O + E: Annika og Lars Nilsson, Sverige.
Excellent type, very well developed fourteen months junior bitch, very good bones and body, nice proportions, in very good balance, lovely head, excellent expression, feminine head, good eyes and ears, good length of muzzle, correct neck and topline, good tailset and carriage, very nicely developed ribcage, correct angulation front and rear, nice coat, lovely showed, nice temperament.

19. Frihedens Romanza Royale
DK06825/2010, 27/03/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Spotborne Heaven Can Wait – DKCH Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas)
O: Jette og Jens Mauritzen. E: Anne Cathrine K. Thomsen, Lasse Faarbæk, Kobbelhøjvej 14, 9260 Gistrup, Tlf.: 28558613
Lovely bitch, fourteen months old, still developing, feminine, good bones, lovely head, correct muzzle, nice pigmentation, nicely arched neck, good topline, enough angulations in front and rear, ribcage deep enough, could be a little longer, good mover and good temperament, could have a little more substance.
EX2. CK.

Åben klasse tæve.

20. WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle
DK09649/2007, 10/01/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc´s Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot´s You Can Call Me Al)
O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi. E: Jens Møller Christensen, Kongshøj Allé 100, 5300 Kerteminde, Tlf.: 65325225.
Nice and feminine, elegant four years old bitch, correct bones and good body, feminine head, with lovely expression, good earset and carriage, elegant neck, typical topline, very well developed but could be a little longer, quite correct front, moves nicely, good spotting and nice temperament.

21. Kernehuset´s Zitha
06014/2004, 23/03/2004, hvid m. sort.
(T-Cart Obvious - Kernehuset’s Ronja)
O: Peter Christiansen, 5771 Stenstrup. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Elegant bitch, seven years old in very good condition, nice head, excellent pigmentation, good colour of eyes and good length of muzzle, correct and typical topline and tailset, enough angulations in front and rear, front could be a little bit better, good underline, very nice spotting, nice mover but could have drive, nicely showed.
EX3. CK.

22. RUCH SICH BYCH Chernaya Pantera Iz Terletskoy Dubr
RKF2457063, 29/12/2008, hvid m. sort.
(RUCH BYCH Puding Dog Knaz Terletskiy – RUCH Irina Iz Terletskoy Dubravy)
O: Irina Petrakova. E: Tatiana Tarasenko, Rusland.
Excellent type, strong bones, very well developed two years bitch, correct head, enough stop, good earset and carriage, nicely decorated ears, very good length of muzzle, nice neck and good wizzles, good topline, correct tailset, a little long in loins, good front and rear, good mover, nice colour of spots, could be more extended, excellent show.
EX2. CK.

23. Allivalit Emma
DK 12464/2009, 30/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Ekryda Nanook – Allivalit Amalie)
O + E: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., Tlf.: 59320266.
Excellent type, lovely two years old bitch, good size and proportions, feminine head, with lovely expression, very feminine, excellent pigmentation, ears and eyes, elegant neck, correct topline, good tailset, very nice front, well developed ribcage, deep and long enough, good rear angulation, moves well.

24. Dallise´s Incredible Idea
DK06451/2007, 22/03/2007, hvid m. sort.
(SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc´s Loverboy - Dallise´s Gossip Goodies)
O + E: Lise Kjølby, Åstruplundvej 28, Åstruplund , 8740 Brædstrup, Tlf.: 75763149.
Very good type, nicely spotted two years old bitch, with enough bones, needs more show training, elegant head, eyes could be a bit more darker, good pigmentation, long neck, topline could be more correct, a little falling in croup, tail could be better, correct angulations in front and rear, ribcage could be a little longer, should move with more drive.

Championklasse tæve.

25. DKCH O´talix´s Magic Mc.Luna
DK23457/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Excellent type, very nice spotted bitch with good substance and body, lovely feminine head, good expression, very nice ears, good muzzle and correct pigmentation, good temperament, excellent neck topline and tailset, good ribcage, deep and long enough, good angulations in front and rear, excellent mover, nicely showed.
EX2. CK. BTK3.

26. DKCH NORDCH NOCH INTCH SECH Mellanmöllan Bright Pearl
S 66323/2006, 08/10/2006, hvid m. sort
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar – Mellanmöllan Tequila)
O + E: Annika og Lars Nielsson, Sverige
Excellent type, excellent size and proportions, very good substance, lovely head, dark eye colour, enough length of muzzle and good reach of neck, nice topline and tailset, excellent angulation in front and rear, good black and white, sound mover.
EX1. CK. BTK2. Klub-cert.

27. Oriana´s Traceable Tudor Rose
03331/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. sort.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)
O + E: Søren Thanning Jacobsen, M. Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre.
Excellent bitch, five years old, nice body and bones, lovely head, correct colour of eyes, nice pigmentation, strong and long neck, nice topline and tailset, could be better in front, nice front, good underline, very nice coat, moves freely but could be more powerful.
EX4. CK.

28. DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania
03333/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Pia S. Jensen, Nymarksvej 30, 7100 Vejle, Tlf.: 28780708
Five years old bitch of excellent type, nice proportions, good bones, a little bit too much weight today, nice head and expression, good ears and eyes, nice wizzles, typical topline, very good front, enough rear angulation, moves nicely, little close in hocks, moves with drive, nice coat and nicely shown.
EX3. CK. BTK4.

Veteranklasse tæve.

29. Curias Nellie Nounou
12863/99, 19/06/1999, hvid m. sort.
(Cocheperro Peder Wessel - DKCH Curias Kasse Karisma)
O: Charlotte Jenvall & Hans Thiessen, 2920 Charlottenlund. E: Bente Skovlund Madsen, Vårgyvelvej 1, 2690 Karlslunde, Tlf.:
Eleven years old bitch, still in very good condition, typical bone, feminine head, middle size, correct neck, typical topline, a little sloping, correct front and rear, could be a little bit in better condition, moves still freely, excellent temperament.
EX1. CK. Bedste veteran.



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