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Kritikker fra udstillingen i Svendborg 20. maj 2013
Dommer: Mark Dunnachie, England.

Babyklasse tæve.

1. Kratskoven Ellie
5 months old, heavily spotted liver bitch, looks to be nicely made but difficult to assess due to over exuberance, moves nicely in side profile, but rather close behind, hopefully this will change when she matures.

Juniorklasse hanhund.

2. Crazyspots Bright Side Of Life
10 months old, liver spotted male, good overall decoration, pleasing head, good ear set and good eye colour, elegant neck, on to a level top line, with a good tail set, would prefer slight more rear angulation, on the move he shows sufficient reach and drive.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

3. Absolute Love Duke O’oriana&spotnik
Ej mødt.

Åben klasse hanhund.

4. Crazyspots Aeolus
2,5 years old liver spotted male, attractive head, excellent eye colour, good ear set, long reach neck, on to a very good level top line, good tail set, his overall decoration is very good, unfortunately he is very wide in front and a little cow hocked which detract for the overall picture, his side profile movement was okay.

5. Anmadeke´s All Over The World
Nhsb 2797090
Almost 3 years, black spotted male, pleasing overall shape, nice head, dark eye colour, strong neck, on to level top line, tail set a bit low, good front construction, with decent fore chest, nicely boned, with good feet, correct rear angulation, in side profile he shows good reach and drive, all though he moves rather close behind, over all spotting pattern is excellent.

6. Crazyspots Aquilo
Very handsome 2 years old densely spotted male, good head proportions, correct level bite, decent eye colour, and good ear set, long neck, on to a good top line, with correct tail set, adequate fore chest, good bone, with nice feet, well angulated behind, positive movement and side profile and coming and going, happy show boy.

7. Tre Falke´s Finske Fidelius
Ej mødt.

Championklasse hanhund.

8. WJW12 Lots Of Spots Bruce The Boss
Very handsome black spotted 2 years old male, okay head, beautiful spotted ears, his bite was okay, would prefer a larger eye, good neck, on to defined wither, and level top line, with good tail set, a decent fore chest, with ample bone, he has good angles front and back, with good short strong hocks, his movement is free flowing with good front extension, and equal amount of drive from behind the picture is completed with his spectacular spotting.

9. DKCH Spotnik´s Golden Globe for Oriana
Rather tall 3 years old liver spotted male, his head is okay, would prefer him to have tighter lips, and perhaps more width of the back scull, his eye colour is passable, he has very good rich liver colouring, and the spotting very pleasing in size and distributing long neck, on to a level top line, with okay tail set he has good fore chest, good shoulder placement, and good rear angulation, but would prefer stronger hocks, where this dog really scores is on the move he showed great front extension and very powerful drive.
EX2. CK. BHK3.

10. DKCH SECH INTCH DECH DEVDHCH Oriana’s Traceable Target
7 years old liver spotted male, overall wonderful shape, I liked his head a lot, good width to back scull, good mouth, and nice tight lips, strong neck, on to level top line, with good tail set, good fore chest, and deep ribcage, well made in front and excellent rear angulation, good on the move, showing decent front extension, lacked a little drive from behind he also did move rather close behind firm hard body and great condition and the most beautiful liver spotting even in size and distribution.
EX3. CK. BHK4.

Veteranklasse hanhund.

11. DKCH FICH NORDCH NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik´s Viking Victory

What a beautiful old man, 12 years old and I bet he was something special a few years ago, his overall make and shape is the best on display today, strong beautiful head, with deep amber colour eyes, long neck on to defined withers and a good top line, wonderful spotting overall, although he is clearly showing sign of his age his movement could have been better again sign that age has catching up on him but overall I really liked him, beautiful dog to go over.

Juniorklasse tæve.

12. Dallise´s Little Lady
13 months old, black spotted bitch, rather finely made, dense black spotting, on a good white background, overall shape is pleasing however I would prefer more width of back scull, and tighter eye rims, she has a good level bite, long neck on to an okay top line, and good tail set, profile movement was good but she does move rather close behind, I am sure she develops her show charisma will develop.
13. Crazyspots Bobadilla Life By Toots
9 months old liver spotted, the most beautiful head, and heart melting expression, with excellent deep coloured amber eyes, lovely long neck, on to a good wither, her top line is a little bumpy, but I am sure it will develop when she matures, she has an excellent tail set, although her tail is a little short, she has a good fore chest, and good front angulation, coupled up with good rear angulation is what allows her to move so well in profile, she is very raw but she has the potential to be very good, she is very nicely spotted, she has many things in her favour.

14. Dallise´s Living Love
13 months old, densely spotted black bitch, pleasing head, good eye colour, correct level bite, good ear set and carriage, frames a pretty face, long reach of neck, on to an okay top line, and okay tail set, her fore chest is developing, and she has a deep chest for her age, just wish she would show more animation, but she comes to live on the move where she shows good front extension and adequate from behind.

Åben klasse tæve.

15. Lots Of Spots Madame Marie
What a fun bitch, 2 years old, liver spotted, beautiful head, with good amber eye colour, correct scissor bite, beautiful ear set and placing, strong reaching neck, on to a defined wither, and okay top line and tail set, she has a nice front and a correct amount of bone, with good cat feet, she has a nice sweeping underline and her body proportions are very good, excellent angels front and back, with a good width to her stifle, when she wasn’t jumping around she displayed good forward reach with enough drive from behind.

16. Tre Falke´s Fanlight Fanny
2 years old black spotted bitch, at first glance she is very appealing, beautiful head of perfect proportions, excellent dark brown eyes, beautifully spotted ears which she carries well to frame her beautiful face, correct bite, long elegant neck flowing on to a good wither and a level top line, she has lovely muscle tone and a good firm body, she has developed in fore chest, and depth of chest, she has good cat feet and a nice amount of bone, my one nickel she has a low set tail but she more than compensate on the move she has ample reach and drive add to this a beautiful spotting on clear white coat, she adds up to a very good specimen.
EX2. CK.

17. Aida
2,5 years old beautiful spotting, beautiful make and shape, but she is rather on the tall side for a female, really love her head, excellent width back scull, excellent spotting on her ears, but she uses to her advantage to frame her pretty face, correct bite, good angels front and back, and she is very powerful on the move, and side profile I could watch her all day just her rear movement that is a disappointment for me, but overall very beautiful girl.

Championklasse tæve. 

18. Crazyspots Athena
Nicely made liver spotted bitch 2,5 years, good head shape, and attractive eye colour, correct mouth, densely spotted, on a very good white background, strong neck on to a defined wither, and okay top line, but she drops over her croup and had a low tail set, good angles front and back developed in fore chest, good deep chest, nicely boned, with good cat feet, but her nails could do with a trim, she was okay on the move but perhaps not the most confident in the show ring.

Beautiful 6 years old extremely well decorated, black bitch, who immediately commands attention, beautiful feminine head and most lovely face, she has soft expression which radiates from her warm brown eyes, long neck, which lead on to defined wither, most perfect top line, croup and tail set, well developed fore chest, with excellent shoulder angulation and a long upper arm, which allows her to reach forward with ease, her rear angulations is perfect and she has short strong hocks, to finish her movement is fabulous she tracks up strong and true and has bags of style on the move love, loves her.

5 years old, liver spotted girl, perhaps carrying a tart too much weight, her head exudes beauty being so balanced and she has the most wonderful soft expression, really great eye colour and correct bite, strong neck, set on to good shoulders, level top line, but drops slightly over the croup, she is an overall quality bitch, but my one nickel about her is she has secondary ticking which spoils the overall picture, on the move she has enough reach and drive, but she does move closely behind.
EX2. CK.

Veteranklasse tæve.

21. DKCH Kernehuset´s Zitha
9 years old black spotted bitch, she is rather fill in size, but overall the picture is one of balance, the most beautiful head, with gorgeous feminine expression, correct bite, nice tight lips, and beautiful spotted ears, long reaching neck, on to a level top line, but she falls slightly over the croup, on the move she is positive and happy, showing good forward reach and adequate drive behind to top it all of, she is a happy show girl who is willing to please her handler.




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