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Kritikker fra udstilllingen i Silkeborg 17.09.2011
Brenda Rance, GB

Babyklasse hanhund.

1. Tre Falke´s Finske Fidelius
DK06713/2011, 16/04/2011, hvid m. sort.
(FICH EECH DKCH Ottopojan Önskarlyckatill - DKCH SECH FICH NORDCH INTCH DECH NOCH DEVDHCH Frihedens Prinsesse Phrenge)
O + E: Erik Winther Olsen og Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38872710
5 months old, evenly black spotted, good bone to grow into, nice dark eye, pretty head, good depth of body, good long tapering tail, moved on well with good reach and drive, just moving a bit close at the moment.

Babyklasse tæve.

2. Tre Falke´s Fanlight Fanny
DK06717/2011, 16/04/2011, hvid m. sort.
(FICH EECH DKCH Ottopojan Önskarlyckatill - DKCH SECH FICH NORDCH INTCH DECH NOCH DEVDHCH Frihedens Prinsesse Phrenge)
O + E: Erik Winther Olsen og Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38872710
Pretty blackspotted bitch with dark eye, nice reach of neck, level topline, good front angulation, strong bone and good feet, needs to strength in hind quarters, which will come as she matures and groves.

3. Allivalit Gunilla
DK09214/2011, 21/05/2011, hvid m. brun.
(Ekryda Vidar - Allivalit Amalie)
O + E: Peter Rasch og Karen Hylander, Havegårdsvej 1, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., Tlf.: 59320266
Feminine liver spotted, 4 months old, good round bone and tight feet, pretty spotting on the head, good front angulation and turn of stifle, moved on well but just moving a bit close behind.

4. Casa Di Strega´s Elce
DK11209/2011, 29/03/2011, hvid m. brun.
(SECH SEVCH Ivriga-Izor - Becajo´s Dixie Canyon)
O: Anna Ottosen, Jan Michael Ottosen, Sverige. E: Bente Skovlund Madsen, Vårgyvelvej 1, 2690 Karlslunde, Tlf.: 46150102
5 months old, liver spotted bitch, well grown, lot of bone and substance, pretty spotted ears, a bit too much lip, good round bone, moved soundly with a lot of drive, a bit straight in stifle standing.

5. Allivalit Gaia
DK09211/2011, 21/05/2011, hvid m. sort.
(Ekryda Vidar - Allivalit Amalie)
O: Peter Rasch og Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing Sj. E: Henriette Borch, Hillerødsholmsalle 123, 1., 3400 Hillerød, Tlf.: 50421508
4 months old, with nicely spotted ears, well-distributed dark spots, nice dark eye and good round bone, good depth of chest, good hind angulation, couldn’t assess teeth, very unsettled on the move and would benefit from more training.

6. Inner Sanctum St. Rose Of Lima
Ej mødt.

7. Allivalit Gine
DK09212/2011, 21/05/2011, hvid m. sort.
(Ekryda Vidar - Allivalit Amalie)
O: Peter Rasch og Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing Sj. E: Peter Rasch og Karen Hylander, Udlodden 9, 2610 Rødovre, Tlf.: 59320266
4 months old, black spotted bitch, very pretty spotting on the ears, a bit upright in front angulation, good depth of body, emclined to roach her back, good length of tail, moved quite short coupled, moved on a bit erratically, would benefit from more ring training.

8. Tre Falke´s Fanlight Fanny
DK06718/2011, 16/04/2011, hvid m. sort.
(FICH EECH DKCH Ottopojan Önskarlyckatill - DKCH SECH FICH NORDCH INTCH DECH NOCH DEVDHCH Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne)
O: Erik Winther Olsen og Erik C. Larsen, 2000 Frederiksberg, E: Karina Lykke Larsen og Verner Thomsen, Birkedals Allé 50, Dalum, 5250 Odense SV, Tlf.: 22904665
5 months old puppy, heavy marked but the black spots are well distributed, lovely type, excellent front, good depth of body, good length of body, good strong front legs, lovely hind angulation, good length of tail, lovely head and expression, dark eye, lovely behind, strong quarters right through mocked about a bit on the move but given time when she settles she will be able to show her good length of stride.
SL1. Bedste baby.

Hvalpeklasse hanhund.

9. Lots Of Spots Bruce The Boss
DK00134/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O + E: Pia Jensen, Nymarksvej 30, 7100 Vejle. Tlf.: 28780708
8 months old black spotted dog, nice type of head, pretty spotting on the ears, good reach of neck, good depth of body, just coating at the movement and could carry more weight as an advantage, good length of tail, moved on well with good right action, but a bit close in hind movement.

10. Lots Of Spots Big Man Clarence
DK00137/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. E: Hanne Darlyng Larsen, Langagergyden 15, Nr. Lyndelse, 5792 Årslev. Tlf.: 40401634
Handsome 8 months old puppy dog, evenly distributed liver spots, true Dalmatian type, excellent strong quarters, good bone, through out, lovely front angulation, good turn of stifle and well let down hocks, good length of tail, moved on with good reach and strong pastern action from his well angulated hindquarters, sound and powerful.
SL1. Bedste hvalp.

Hvalpeklasse tæve.

11. Lots Of Spots Madame Marie
DK00133/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. E: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 29643445
9 months old, liver spotted bitch, attractive head, beautifully balanced, good topline and tail set, nice reach of neck, correct shoulder placement, good depth of body, very good hind angulation, well led down hocks, just inclined to fly her ears, a lovely Dalmatian type, moved on with good length of stride and very sound.

12. Lots Of Spots Sloppy Sue
DK00132/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun
(INTCHNORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
O: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. E: Britta Larsen, Voderup 21, 5970 Ærøskøbing, Tlf.: 51307042
8 3/4 months old, liver spotted, pretty spots in head, correct and lovely ear placement, good reach of neck, good front angulation and length of body, strong bone, tight feet, well angulated hind quarters and let down hocks, very nice type, just needs to gain in confidence on the move, but sound and powerful.

13. Latraviata
DK03493/2011, 08/02/11, hvid m. brun.
(DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik´s Viking Victory – Oriana´s Remarkable Rodwina.
O: Anna Søgård, 8240 Risskov. E: Anna Søgaard, H.C. Andersensvej 92, 8370 Hadsten, Tlf.: 61376362
Strong outstanding liver spotted bitch, lovely coat and condition, pretty spotting on the ears, good length of body, good front angulation, needs to tighten in feet as they at the moment are a bit splayed, moved on well but just a bit stiff in her hind quarters today.

14. Carmen
DK03495/2011, 08/02/11, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik´s Viking Victory – Oriana´s Remarkable Rodwina.
O: Anna Søgård, 8240 Risskov. E: Anja Bøgesvang, Tjørnealle 13, Bramdrupdam, 6000 Kolding, Tlf.: 75509009
Well grown, 7 months old puppy, large evenly distributed black spots on pure white coat, good reach of neck, good depth of body, taller type, a bit upright in pasterns and splayed feet, good length of tail, moved on well but hope she develops more drive in her hind quarters as she matures, just a little dally rash on her head that will improve.

15. Aida
DK03496/2011, 08/02/11, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik´s Viking Victory – Oriana´s Remarkable Rodwina.
O + E: Anna Søgaard, Rolighedsvej 79, 8240 Risskov, Tlf.: 61376362
7 months old puppy bitch with lovely feminine head and expression, pretty spotting on the ears, good reach of neck into level topline, correct tail set, good depth of chest with plenty of heart and lung room, a bit upright in shoulder and feet needs to tighten, moved on correctly but just moving a bit close behind which hopefully improves as she matures.

Juniorklasse hanhund.

16. Crazyspots Aquilo
DK16346/2010, 25/08/2010, hvid m. sort.
(NLCH BECH Elaridge Celtic Warrior – WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle)
O: Jens Møller Christensen, 5300 Kerteminde. E: Lars Bjerre; Lærkevej 22, 4200 Slagelse. Tlf.: 28100595
1 year old, profusely blacked spots, nice head and expression, good reach of neck, level topline, upright in front, good depth of chest, a bit straight in stifle, good length of tail, correct front movement, but moving very close behind today, well handled.

17. Crazyspots Aeolus
DK16347/2010, 25/08/2010, hvid m. brun.
(NLCH BECH Elaridge Celtic Warrior – WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle)
O: Jens Møller Christensen, 5300 Kerteminde. E: Lone Vad Rostock, Flittig Lise Vej 9, Bellinge, 5250 Odense SV. Tlf.: 65960660
1 year old, liver spotted dog, with handsome head and expression, good depth of body and plenty of heart and lung room, nicely balanced, a bit out of the elbow so needs to tighten up in front on the move, lovely coat and condition, good length of tail, carrying plenty of weight, needs to tighten up in quarters, but this comes as he matures.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

18. Jilloc´s X Factor
SE 12177/2010, 06/12/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH DKCH INTCH NOCH EECH FICH Jilloc´s Loverboy - NORDCH EECH Jilloc´s Splendid Choice)
O + E: Jennie Odgaard, Sverige.
Nicely balanced black spotted dog, 21 months old, dark pigment, good front angulation, nice reach of neck, good depth of body, correct hind angulation, level topline, good tail set, really moved on with the correct pastern action with power from his strong hind quarters, very sound, really strides out with good long stride action, such a pitty he is out of coat, but a very nice Dalmatian type.

19. Frihedens Royal Ravindra
Ej mødt.

Åben klasse hanhund.

20. Spotnik´s Golden Globe for Oriana
NO30187/10, 27/11/2009, hvid m. brun.
(WW10 Alpadirato Future Brand – Spotnik´s Coffee Cream)
O: Helle Høie, Norge. E: Helle Høie og Søren Jacobsen. M. Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre.
Handsome liver spotted dog, 1½ years old, good reach of neck into level topline held on the move, nicely set on tail, good depth of body, well angulation in hind quarters, a bit upright in front, moved on soundly but a bit flat footed, could be more muscle as an advantage.

Championklasse hanhund.

21. DKCH SECH INTCH DECH DEVDHCH Oriana’s Traceable Target
03334/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik’s Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 2650 Hvidovre. E: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 36755122.
5 year old liver spotted dog, masculine, evenly distributed spots on clear white coat, good topline and depth of body, strong quarters throughout, and round bone, well angulated hind quarters which he used to drive on the move, front feet a bit splayed and unfortunately suffers from a bit dally rash on the head, but overall an excellent type of Dalmatian which is very well handled.
EX2. CK. BHK2.

22. Gerry Vom Hügel
VDH/DZB 26231, 29/04/2006, hvid m. brun.
(PLCH Billy Vom Hügl - Alisa Vom Hügel)
O: I. Viete. E: George Walter, Köpenicker Str. 30a, DE - 15569 Woltersdorf Berlin, Tyskland
Strong muscular liver spotted dog, correct balance, really uses his hind quarters as an advantage by driving so soundly, good depth of body, plenty of heart and lung room, excellent tight cat feet, well let down hocks, just carrying a bit too much weight which shows on the shoulders especially when standing.

23. Toot´s Chantilly Lace
DK09624/2007, 10/01/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc´s Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot´s You Can Call Me All)
O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi, Norge. E: Lone Øgaard, Gyvelvænget 98, 7730 Hanstholm, Tlf.: 97962826.
Smart evenly balanced liver spotted dog, handsome head and expression, long tapering neck, excellent front angulation, good bone, tight feet, good depth of body, level topline, good turn of stifle and well let down hocks, moved as the best in the class with good drive and sound.

Juniorklasse tæve.

24. Kernehuset´s Prima Amanda
DK21151/2010, 25/11/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Toot´s Dance With A Stranger – DKCH O´talix´s Magic Mc. Luna
O: Mette Christensen, 5700 Svendborg. E: Vibeke Hindhede, Risingsvej 16, 5000 Odense C., Tlf.: 29211210
9 months old puppy bitch, lovely dark pigmentation on tight white silky coat, nice head and expression, nice head, correct front angulation, tight cat feet, good depth of body, nicely angulated hind quarters, moved on soundly and with drive, well handled but needs to practice for the ring.
EX1. CK.

25. Crazyspots Athena
DK16350/2010, 25/08/2010, hvid m. brun.
(NLCH BECH Elaridge Celtic Warrior – WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle)
O: Jens Møller Christensen, 5300 Kerteminde. E: Niels Ørbæk, Kirsten Hansen, Dybvadsgyden 9, Sandager, 5610 Assens, Tlf.: 64471271
Heavily spotted liver bitch, pretty head and expression, good reach of neck, tight feet, good depth of body, a bit narrow all through, not too happy today so was a bit tucked up in her movement.

Mellemklasse tæve.

26. Frihedens Regina Royale
DK06824/2010, 27/03/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Spotborne Heaven Can Wait – DKCH Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas)
O: Jette og Jens Mauritzen. E: Jens Mauritzen, Lis Andersen, Michael Lassen, Gentoftevej 18, 8000 Århus C, Tlf.: 86117162
Feminine, black spotted bitch of correct type, beautifully balanced, strong carrying plenty of weight and condition, good front angulation, straight front, tight feet, powerful hind quarters, correct tail set, well let down hocks, best mover I have seen today, long stride in action, lovely pastern actions from her hind quarters.

Åben klasse tæve.

27. Kernehuset´s Zitha
06014/2004, 23/03/2004, hvid m. sort.
(T-Cart Obvious - Kernehuset’s Ronja)
O: Peter Christiansen, 5771 Stenstrup. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Attractive black spotted bitch with lovely dark eye, pretty spotting on the ears, long tapering neck, level topline, tight cat feet, a bit upright in fore chest, moved on well, just out of coat today.

28. Allivalit Emma
DK 12464/2009, 30/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Ekryda Nanook – Allivalit Amalie)
O + E: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., Tlf.: 59320266.
2 years old black spotted bitch of a smaller type, good round bone, good front angulation and depth of chest, clear black spots on tight white silky coat, moved on very soundly with holding her topline, nice type of bitch but not too happy today in the ring.

29. Curias You Can Call Me Candy
DK16707/2009, 26/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As – DKCH Curias Somebody´s Shadow)
O + E: Charlotte Jenvall og Hans Thiessen, Slangerup Ås 4, 3550 Slangerup Ås. Tlf.: 22257119.
Attractive, black spotted bitch with kind head and expression, good reach of neck, correct shoulder placement, round chest with plenty of depth, good topline, which is held on the move, very happy dispossession, beautiful balanced, long tapering tail, correct hind angulation, moved on very soundly with correct amount of drive.

30. FICH SECH Ekryda Rind
S 57667/2007, 01/08/2007, hvid m. sort.
(Frökens Jupiter - Ekryda Lif)
O + E: Per-Owe Saleryd, Sverige.
Well built black spotted bitch, pretty head, evenly spotted, longer cast which enabled her to really drive on with really good stride on the move, good front angulation, straight front, tight feet, strong well angulated and muscled up hind quarters, well let down hocks, a very nice type.
EX2. CK.

Championklasse tæve.

31. SECH Solbo´s Linette
S 27587/2009, 17/03/2009, hvid m. sort.
(NORDCH INTCH FICH WW06 PLCH Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Solbo´s Ester)
O + E. Jennie Odgaard, Sverige
Attractive black spotted with the old fashioned spotting, longer cast but with good depth of body, correct front angulation into straight front and nice tight feet, good turn of stifle which she used on the move with correct pastern, good reach of neck good level topline into well set on tail.

32. DKCH SECH O´talix´s Magic Mc.Luna
DK23457/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Very feminine, liver spotted bitch, correct Dalmatian type, lovely personality, good reach of neck, into strong more balanced shoulders, good front, pretty spotting on the ears, stands four square really showing herself of to the best advantage, good turn of stifle and well turned down hocks, really sound on the move.

DK08756/2007, 11/04/2007, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)
O: Jens Mauritzen og Jette Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C. E: Erik Winther Olsen, Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38872710.
Very feminine black spotted bitch with dark eye, dark pigment on tight white coat, shown in tip-top condition, beautifully balanced with a lot of quality, not overdone in any way, correct front, lovely deep capacious chest, hold her topline on the move, moved with good length of stride and correct pastern action.
EX2. CK. BTK2.

34. DKCH SECH INTCH DEVDHCH DECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania
Ej mødt.

35. WJW08 DEVDHCH DKCH Toot´s Counting On A Miracle
DK09649/2007, 10/01/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc´s Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot´s You Can Call Me Al)
O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi. E: Jens Møller Christensen, Kongshøj Allé 100, 5300 Kerteminde, Tlf.: 65325225.
Attractive pretty liver spotted bitch of 4,5 years, has the old fashioned type of spotting, well distributed spots, shown in hard condition, nicely balanced, really moved very soundly with lots of drive, out of coat condition today, not very happy today, very nice type.

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