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Kritikker fra udstilllingen i Roskilde 6. maj 2012
Dommer: Laura Cox, Irland

Juniorklasse hanhund.

1450. Tre Falke´s Finske Fidelius
DK06713/2011, 16/04/2011, hvid m. sort.
(Ottopojan Önskarlyckatill - Frihedens Prinsesse Phrenge)
Opdrætter og ejer: Erik Winther Olsen og Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38 87 27 10.
Good type, nice outline and balance, good head, corr. front and topline, good back end, moves loose in front, prefer more drive behind, needs to mature.

1451. Spotdog's Boom Box
SE36811/2011, 08/05/2011, hvid m.sort.
(Price-Spot´s Are You Ready – Solbo´s Karisma)
Opdrætter og ejer: Cecilia Anderson, Sverige.
OK for type, and outline, a little heavy set in head, prefer cleaner muzzle, ok front topline and back angulations, moves close behind and a bit loose in front, prefer more drive.

1452. Spotdog's Beat Box
SE36814/2011, 08/05/2011, hvid m.sort.
(Price-Spot´s Are You Ready – Solbo´s Karisma)
Opdrætter og ejer: Cecilia Anderson, Sverige.
Good type, good outline, nice head, prefer better lay of shoulders, good topline, well angulated back end, moves ok behind, loose in front, should tighten with age.

1453. O'talix's Nice Norman By Totti
DK01586/2011, 17/12/2011, hvid m. brun.
(Totti Vom Gramzower Kloster – Shospot´s Wonder Danish Dharma)
Opdrætter: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. Ejer: Fatma Ahmed Mahfoudh, Dalgas Have 27, 2000 Frederiksberg. Tlf.: 38 33 98 21
Nice type and outline, good balance, good head, good earset, prefer better lay of shoulders, good topline, prefer better back end, moves ok but prefer more drive.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

1454. Lots Of Spots Big Man Clarence
DK00137/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun.
(Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
Opdrætter: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. Ejer: Hanne Darlyng Larsen, Langagergyden 15, Nr. Lyndelse, 5792 Årslev. Tlf.: 40 40 16 34.
Nice type and good outline, ok for balance, good head, prefer cleaner muzzle, ok in front, good bone, topline, prefer more back angulations, moves ok in front, close behind.

1455. Spot Thymus Natural Selection
DK14260/2010, 11/07/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Ridotto Napoleone – Spot Thymus Miss B. Haven)
Opdrætter: Karina Sonja Jessen Bjerre, 4300 Holbæk. Ejer: Yvonne Camilla Gerving,
Gribskovvej 41, Kagerup, 3200 Helsinge.
Good for type, nice outline, ok for head, prefer a better lay of shoulder, good topline and back end, moves close behind, and a bit loose in front, prefer more drive.

Åben klasse hanhund.

1456. O'Talix's Magic Mc. Magnum
DK23453/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. sort.
(Toot´s Zanzibar - O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
Opdrætter: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. Ejer: Eva  Hundrup, Vordingborggade 6B, 2100 København Ø, Tlf.: 22 15 98 08.
OK type, prefer better outline and balance, prefer more balance to head, good reach of neck, prefer better shoulder and front, ok topline, lacks drive behind and restricted in front movement.

Championklasse hanhund.

1457. DKCH SECH INTCH DECH DEVDHCH DKKV09 KLBV09 Oriana’s Traceable Target
03334/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(Spotnik’s Special Selection - Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
Opdrætter: Søren Jacobsen, 2650 Hvidovre. Ejerer: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 29 64 34 45.
Good type, very good outline and balance, exc. head, good front, topline and back end, moves close behind ok in front.

Juniorklasse tæve.

1458. Tre Falke´s Fanlight Fanny
DK06717/2011, 16/04/2011, hvid m. sort.
(Ottopojan Önskarlyckatill - Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne)
Opdrætter og ejer: Erik Winther Olsen og Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38 87 27 10.
OK type, nice outline, good feminin head, good earset, prefer better lay of shoulder, soft in topline on the move, good back end, moves well behind, but restricted in front.

1459. Spotdog's Bill Board
SE36807/2011, 08/05/2011, hvid m.sort.
(Price-Spot´s Are You Ready – Solbo´s Karisma)
Opdrætter og ejer: Cecilia Anderson, Sverige.
OK for type, prefer better outline, ok for head, prefer better ears, ok in front, good topline, nice back end, movement hard to assess, needs more comfort

Mellemklasse tæve.

1460. Lots Of Spots Madame Marie
DK00133/2011, 22/12/2010, hvid m. brun.
(Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – Oriana´s Traceable Titania)
Opdrætter: Pia Jensen, 7100 Vejle. Ejer: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 29 64 34 45.
Nice type, lovely outline, good head, very feminine, good reach of neck, little tight in front, good topline, prefer more back angulation, moves ok behind, but restricted in front, prefer more drive.

1461. Crazyspots Athena
DK16350/2010, 25/08/2010, hvid m. brun.
(Elaridge Celtic Warrior – Toot´s Counting On A Miracle)
Opdrætter: Jens Møller Christensen, 5300 Kerteminde. Ejer: Niels Ørbæk, Kirsten Hansen, Dybvadsgyden 9, Sandager, 5610 Assens, Tlf.: 64 47 12 71.
OK for type, prefer better outline, good head, good reach of neck, ok front, loses topline on the move, moves very close behind, and loses elbows in front.

Åben klasse tæve.

1462. Frihedens Romanza Royale
DK06825/2010, 27/03/2010, hvid m. sort.
(Spotborne Heaven Can Wait – Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas)
Opdrætter: Jette og Jens Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C. Ejer: Anne Cathrine K. Thomsen, Lasse Faarbæk, Kobbelhøjvej 14, 9260 Gistrup, Tlf.: 28 55 86 13.
Excellent type and outline, good overall balance, excellent head, correct in front, good topline and back end, moves free and true.

1463. Solbo's Karisma
S31630/2008, 16/03/2008, hvid m. sort.
(Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy – Spotnik´s Calling Card)
Opdrætter: Solveig Ivarsson, Sverige. Ejer: Cecilia Andersson, Sverige.
Excellent type and outline, nicely balance, very good head and earset, good topline and back end, moves a little close behind, good in front.

Championklasse tæve.

1464. DKCH SECH INTCH DECH DEVDHCH KBHV11 KLBV11 O´talix´s Magic Mc.Luna
DK23457/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. brun.
(Toot´s Zanzibar - O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
Opdrætter: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. Ejer: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63 21 08 06.
Excellent type, with very good outline, good overall balance, very good head and earset, prefer better lay of shoulders, good topline, prefer more angulated back end, moves a little close behind, ok in front.
EX1. CK. BTK3.

Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne

DK08756/2007, 11/04/2007, hvid m. sort.
(Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)
Opdrætter: Jens Mauritzen og Jette Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C. Ejer: Erik Winther Olsen, Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38 87 27 10.
Feminint bra huvad. Very good type, good outline, nice balance, good head, ok in front, a little loose elbows, good topline, good back end, moves ok, prefer more drive.

1466. FICH EECH Santakallio La-Limoviikuna
FIN49777/2005, 23/09/2005, hvid m. brun.
(Santakallio X-Files – Santakallio Yannix-Anni)
Opdrætter: Anja Nurmi, Finland. Ejer: TiiaYli-Sassi, Finland.
Good type, nice outline, ok for balance, good head, prefer tighter earset, ok in front, good topline, prefer better back angulations, moves close behind, good in front.

Veteranklasse tæve.

1670. Kernehuset´s Zitha
06014/2004, 23/03/2004, hvid m. sort.
(T-Cart Obvious - Kernehuset’s Ronja)
Opdrætter: Peter Christiansen, 5771 Stenstrup. Ejer: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63 21 08 06.
Excellent type and outline, nicely balance, very good head and earset, good topline and back end, moves a little close behind, good in front.


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