Kritikker fra udstilllingen i Odense 16. februar 2008
Arnetoli M. Poggesi, Italien

Hvalpeklasse hanhund.

996. Spot Thymus Maroon Five DK15036/2007 F. 06.06.2007. Hvid m brun ( NLCH Gwynmor Stargazer-DKCH O´Talix´s Introduces A Magic Moment) O: Karina Jessen E: Nina Sørensen, Gøgehaven 17, 4573 Højby 51327449
Ej mødt

Hvalpeklasse tæve.

997. Spot Thymus Miss B. Haven DK15035 /2007 F. 06.06.2007. Hvid m brun ( NLCH Gwynmor Stargazer-DKCH O´Talix´s Introduces A magic Moment) O: & E: Karina Jessen Gøgehaven 17, 4573 Højby 51327449
Typical head, correct stop, good expression, very dark ears, compact body, a little straight in front, correct in back, good bones and feet, some sport are too close to each other, moves free but tail is carried too high and the topline must be stronger
SL 2.

998. Abigall dk18501/2007 F. 05.06.2007. Hvid m sort (Team´s Loke- T-Cart Something New) O: Nanette Allonsson E: Per Vase, Borgevej 39, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby 45877388
Nice bitch, typical head, nice expression, correct ears well spotted, compact body, correct in front and back, good bone and feet, excellent croup, well spotted, moves free
SL 1. plac. bedste hvalp

Championklasse hanhund.

999 DKCH DKKV04 Spotnik´s Viking Victory 04224/2002. Født 21.08.01. Hvid m brun ( NCH NLCH DKCH NORDCH FINCH LCH Spotnik´s Special Selection – KBHV98 NCH NORV00 NORDCH FINCH Perdita´s Kiss Me Better) O: Helle Höie E: Søren T. Jacobsen & Helle Höie
ej mødt

Juniorklasse hanhund.

1000. Frihedens Prins Pallis DK08762/2007 F. 11.04.2007 Hvid m sort (DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A- Mir´s Elegant Envoy – Danish Spots Ena Soptted Liberty) O: Mauritzen, Jens Chr. & Mauritzen Jette E: Lis Andersen, Michael Lassen, Modesvej 14, 8981 Spentrup
Strong dog, masculine head no good expression, eyes is too red, correct set ears, good neck, but a little too much skin, correct top- and underline, correct in front, very straight in back, good coat, moves free
Very good 4. plac.

1001. Frihedens Peins Playboy DK08759/2007 F. 11.04.2007 Hvid m sort (DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A- Mir´s Elegant Envoy – Danish Spots Ena Soptted Liberty) O: Mauritzen, Jens Chr. & Mauritzen Jette E: Mads Langkjær, Kristina Ringholm Kolstrup, Præstevænget 29, 7323 Give 26170660
Typical head, nice expression, compact body, correct angulation in front and back, good bones and feet, correct coat, not correct in movement but needs training for the ring
Very good 3. plac.

1002. Toot´s Chantilly Lace Lace NO3269/07 Født 10.01.07. Hvid m. brun ( INT NORD CH Jilloc´s Loverboy. - NORD CH Toot´s You can call me Al) O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi E: Lone Øgaard.Gyvelvænget 98, 7730 Hanstholm 97962826
Typical head, nice expression, excellent neck, compact body, deep chest, excellent front and back angulated, good bones and feet, correct coat, moves very well, correct carriage of tail.
Excellent 1. plac. Cert. BIM

1003. Bon´Obis Lucky Luke DK055570 /2007 F. 17.03.07 (DEVDHCH DECH Lord Von Reinhold´s Hüsung – Bonnie) O: Sekita Sveigaard & Lennart F. Sørensen E: Søren V kristensen. Bjergbyvej 36, 6000 Kolding 21809127
Masculine head, a little strong cheek bone, excellent ears, elegant neck, compact body, deep chest, well angulated in front, correct bones and feet, correct coat, moves free.
Excellent 2. plac.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

1004. Spotty Buddy velvet Freckles 11851/2006 F. 06.06.2006. Hvid m sort. (Washakie Black Velvet- De Lukatan Home-Made-Biscuit) O: & E: Tenna Johansen Markdannersvej 33 Andst, 6600 Vejen 75585394
Typical head, need more stop, compact body, deep chest, a little loin, good bones and feet, correct coat, moves free
Excellent 1. plac.

1005. Marque Marron Horus 08728/2006 F. 02.05.2006 Hvid m brun (De Lukatan Harry-Potter – BonÓbis Entertaining Enja) O:& E: Michelle Van Zÿl, Rundkjærvej 4, 6630 Rødding 74842616
Masculine head, good expression, elegant neck, strong body, croup a little short, tail is set a little low, good chest, good bones and feet, correct coat, movement is not free and wit out drive. No free action
Excellent 2. plac.

Åbenklasse hanhund.

1006. Oriana´s Traceable Target. 03334/2006 F. 02.02.2006 Hvid m brun. (NOCH FINCH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik´s Special Selection – DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana) O: Søren Jacobsen E: Søren Tanning Jacobsen, Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek. M. Bechs Alle 69, 2650 Hvidovre 36755122
Nice dog, typical head, excellent colour of eyes, strong neck, compact body, excellent croup, good bones and feet, correct coat, moves free but a little close in the front
Excellent 2. Plac. Res. CACIB

1007. NLCH CHCH SKCH Starlong Silver Shadow NHSB 2372453 F. 30.07.2001. Hvid m sort. (NLCH Tommy Brock-NLCH INTCH Starlong Sweet Symphony) O: Jorge Fatauros E: B. & J: Oberüber, Gerostr. 47D-15926 Heideblick, Deutschland
Typical head, dark eye, elegant neck, correct topline, good bones and feet, deep chest, correct spots, moves well but looses the topline
Excellent 3. plac.

1008. . Oriana´s Traceable Toffee. 03337/2006 F. 02.02.2006 Hvid m brun. (NOCH FINCH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik´s Special Selection – DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana) O: Søren Jacobsen E: Kaja Bisgaard, Kielshøj 3, 3520 Farum 35109110
masculine head, a little strong in neck bone, nice expression, strong body, correct angulation in front and back, excellent bones and feet, nice spots, moves free, correct carriage of tail
excellent 4. plac.

1009. O´talix´s Launches The Phoenix Bird 13309/2005 F. 02.04.2005. Hvid m sort. (NOCH FICH DKCH NORDCH INTCH Toot´s Working Class Hero-DKCH O´Talix´s Introduces Crazy Daisy) O: Mette Holmgren E: Lone & peter Øgaard, Gyvelvænget 98, 7730 Hanstholm 97962826
very nice dog, nice head, good expression, compact body, very deep chest, good bones and feet, correct coat, moves free but tail carriage a little high
excellent 1. plac. CACIB

Juniorklasse tæve.

1010. Spotborne Free Rider DK16914/2007 F. 09.03.2007 Hvid m brun (NOCH DKCH SECH NORDCH Dalmo´s Aragon The First-Paper Moon´s Corella) O: Kenth Borggård E: Pia Laursen, Thetisvej 46, 8900 Randers 86436569
Nice bitch, correct scissor bite, nice head and expression, elegant nick, compact body, excellent croup, very well angulated in back, well spotted. Moves well
Excellent 4. plac.

1011. Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas DK08755/2007 F. 11.04.2007 Hvid m sort (DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A- Mir´s Elegant Envoy – Danish Spots Ena Soptted Liberty) O: Mauritzen, Jens Chr. & Mauritzen Jette E: Jens Chr. Mauritzen, Thomas Boldsen Sørensen, Charlotte Larsen, Gentoftevej 18, 8000 Århus C 86117162
Correct scissor bite, typical head, correct stop, ears are well set and well spotted, a little short arm, good bones and feet, correct topline, correct coat, she is better in movement than standing

1012. Curia´s Asta Allegro DK05550/2007 F. 18.03. 2007. Hvid m sort. (DKCH Bell- A- Mir´s eagle Aye-Gwynmor Terra Nova) O: Jenvall Charlotte & Thiessen Hans E: Bente Skovlund Madsen, Värgyvelvej 1, 2690 Karlslunde 46150102
Nice bitch, typical head, excellent expression, elegant neck, compact body, deep chest, correct in front and back, correct coat, when moving a little out in elbows but else good movement
Excellent 2. plac.

1013. Bon Obis Newlook Nounou DK05572/2007 F. 17.03.07 Hvid m brun (DEVDHCH DECH Lord Von Reinhold´s Hüsung – Bonnie) O: & E: Sekita Sveigaard & Lennart F. Sørensen Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry 86890670
Right size, nice head and expression, would prefer not so dark in muzzle, excellent body, a little short in croup, good bones and feet, correct coat, free gate

1014. Toot´s Counting On A Miracle DK0969/2007 F. 10.01.2007. Hvid m brun ( INT NORD CH Jilloc´s Loverboy. - NORD CH Toot´s You can call me Al) O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi E. Jens Møller Christensen, Konghøj Alle 100, 5300 Kerteminde 65325225
Nice head, good expression, elegant neck, correct in front, compact body, medium angulations, tail is set too high, correct coat, moves free.
Excellent 1. lplac.

1015. Bon´ Obis Icebreaking Iris DK05574/2007 F. 17.03.07 Hvid m brun (DEVDHCH DECH Lord Von Reinhold´s Hüsung – Bonnie) O: Sekita Sveigaard & Lennart F. Sørensen E: Vita Mark Sørensen, Søjbjergvej 6, 7600 Struer 97464598
Typical head, correct parallel, dark eyes, but set a little too close, correct top and underline, a little straight in back, good bones and feet, correct coat, moves very well.

1016. Borings Quatizi DK12984/2007 F. 13.01.2007 Hvid m sort (SECH DKCH NORDCH INTCH Labyrinth Perfect Harmony – Borings Lola) O: Inger hagbohm E: Kirsten Hansen, Sundbrovej 85, 5700 Svendborg 62541443
Ej mødt

1017. Allivalit Chanel DK05778/2007 F. 13.03.2007 Hvid m sort (SECH EECH LVCH FICH Ekryda Grane – Allivalit Amalie) O: Peter Rach, Karen Hylander E: Charlotte Willumsen, Tornbrinken 22, 4450 Jyderup 40454596
Nice temperament, typical head, ears well set and spotted, elegant neck, compact body, well angulated front and back, good bones and feet, correct coat, moves correct in front a little close in back.
Excellent 3. plac.

Mellemklasse tæve.

1018. Bell-A-mirs fairytaile Fie 21180/2006 F. 04.10.2006 Hvid m brun. (Spotnik´s Sound O´Silence – Bell- A-mir´s Classy Cleopatra) O: Charlotte Linde Sørensen E: Hans Frandsen, Gammel Lifstrupvej 53, 6715 Esbjerg n 75169926
Very nice bieth, nice head, good expression, dark eyes, ears well set and spotted, solid body, deep chest, good bones and feet, excellent croup, good carriage of tail, very well spotted, moves free.
Excellent 1. plac, Cert CACIB BIR

Åben klasse tæve.

1019. Oriana´s Traceable Titania 03333/2006. Født 02.02.06. Hvid m sort (( NCH NLCH DKCH NORDCH FINCH LCH Spotnik´s Special Selection – DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana) O: Søren Jacobsen E: Pia S. Jensen, Nymarksvej 30, 7100 Vejle 76420108
Nice head and expression, solid building, good bones and feet, a little straight in front, correct in back, ribs could be more rounded, correct coat, moves very well.
Excellent 1. plac. Res CACIB

1020. Starlong Smiling Sun NHSB2479077 F. 25.10.03 (NLCH Starlong Selective Stainer – NLCH INTCH Starlong Sweet Symphony) O: Jorge Fataurus E: B. & J: Oberüber, Gerostr. 47D-15926 Heideblick, Deutschland
Typical head, a little short muscled, good expression, elegant neck, compact body, correct in front and back, good bone and feet, in movement closed a little in front, good in back, good coat
Excellent 3. plac.

1021. Bon´Obis Entertaining Enja 06149/2003 F. 30.03.-03 Hvid m brun (T-Cart Obvious _ Bonnie) O: Sekita Sveigaard & Lennart F. Sørensen E: Michelle Van Zÿl, Rundkærvej 4, 6630 Rødding 74842616
Typical head, nice expression, compact body, a little short upper arm, correct croup, she loose the topline when moving, close in the front, spots not good in colour.
Very good 4. plac.

1022. . Oriana´s Traceable Tudor Rose 03331/2006. Født 02.02.06. Hvid m sort (( NCH NLCH DKCH NORDCH FINCH LCH Spotnik´s Special Selection – DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana) O & E: Søren Thanning Jacobsen Nymarkvej 30, 7100 Vejle. 36302085
Ej mødt

1023. Kernehuset´s Zitha 06014/2004 F. 23.03.04 Hvid m sort. (T-Cart Obvious – Kernehuset´s Ronja) O: Peter Christensen E: Mette Christensen, bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg
Typical head, muzzle a little snippy, elegant neck, correct length of body, well angulated in back, correct coat, moves very well
Excellent 2. plac.

1024. Gyldenmoses lady Lena 01812/2006 F. 13.01.2006. Hvid m brun (DKCH Bell-A-mir´s Eagle Eye – First Forest fairytale Dream) O & E: Kirsten Hansen Sundbrovej 85, 5700 Svendborg 62541443
Ej mødt

Uden for bedømmelse tæve.

1025. O´Talix´s magic Mc. Luna DK23547/2007 F. 21.10.2007 Hvid m brun (SECH Toot´s Zanzibar – DKCH O´Talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic) O: Mette Holmgren E: : Mette Christensen, bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg