fra udstilllingen i Mosede 18/9-2010
Dommer: Oleg Fintora, FI
Babyklasse tæve.
1. Frihedens Regina Royale
DK06824/2010, 27/03/10, hvid m sort.
(Spotborne Heaven Can Wait - DKCH Frihedens Prinsesse
O + E: Jette Mauritzen, Jens Chr. Mauritzen, Gentoftevej
18, 8000 Århus C, Tlf.:86117162
5 months very nice bitch, good size and bones, nice
head and expression, good angulation, she is standing
very good on her feet, moves well, nice decoration with
some ticks, very promising baby.
SL1. Bedste baby.
Championklasse hanhund.
03334/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess
O: Søren Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Mette Grüner
Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek, M Bechs Allé 69,
2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 36755122.
4½ lever spotted, very nice decoration, strong
masculine head, good reach of neck, not clean at withers,
strong back and tail, nice shoulders, good feet, ingoing
narrow behind.
EX2. BHK2.
3. DKCH Oriana’s Traceable Toffee
03337/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess
O: Søren Thanning Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Kaja
Bisgaard, Kielshøj 3, 3520 Farum, Tlf.: 35109110.
4 years old, liver, of a very good color and decoration,
strong head, could be a little bit longer, good neck
and topline, little bit short in upperarm, very nice
hind angulation, most correct in drive.
Juniorklasse hanhund.
4. Allivalit Elmer
DK 12471/2009, 30/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Ekryda Nanook – Allivalit Amalie)
O + E: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing
Sj., Tlf.: 59320266.
16 months old, good size, nice spotting, could do with
more color in the face, good neck and topline, straight
in upperarm, good angulated hindlegs, for the size light
bones, better in stand than in movement, need ring training,
in movement he was passing.
5. Spotnik´s Golden Globe for Oriana
NO30187/10, 27/11/2009, hvid m. brun.
(Alpadirato Future Brand – Spotnik´s Coffee
O + E: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen, Norge
12 months large, nice head, nice long neck, good shoulders
and hind angulation, week in pasterns and going out
behind, good mover.
EX1. BHK3. Cert.
Mellemklasse hanhund.
6. Curias Courageus Casper
DK16711/2009, 26/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As – DKCH Curias
Somebody´s Shadow)
O: Charlotte Jenvall og Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup
Ås. E: Tina Malling Thorsen og Charlotte Jenvall,
Chr. Winthers Vej 75, 4700 Næstved, Tlf.: 38790464.
12 month old, very nice spotted, some troubles with
skin, a little bit snipy in head, nice clean outline,
little bit over angulated in hindlegs, very nice feet,
most erratic and nervous.
7. Ayla´s Klan´s Tonolan
DK03959/2009, 16/02/2009, hvid m. sort
(DEVDHCH DECH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold´s
Hüsung – Ayla )
O: Sussie Boel, 5690 Tommerup. E: Else Margrethe Pedersen,
Grønvangsvej 74, 6700 Esbjerg, Tlf.: 75131357.
19 months, good size, not muscular enough for me, nice
neck and topline, short in upperarm, slopping crop,
good in movement.
Åben klasse hanhund.
8. Bon’obis Rainbow Rover
DK16014/2008, 14/07/08, hvid m. brun.
(DEVDHCH DECH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold´s
Hüsung – Bonnie)
O + E: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen,
Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry, Tlf.: 86890670.
2 years old, lever spotted, with nice decoration, good
head, good topline, some weakness in pastern, good rear
angulation, need more body, not in best skin condition.
9. Toot´s Dance With A Stranger
DK14116/2010, 07/01/2008, hvid m. sort.
(USCH Erin´s Sparkyanna´s Huckfinn –
Toot´s Zulu)
O: Aase Jakobsen, Norge. E: Mette Holmgren, Sct. Knudsgade
10, 4100 Ringsted. Tlf.: 61106929
2 years old, his outline is spoiled by weight, nice
head and expression, missing some pigmentation, nice
shoulders and rear angulation, moves not free enough,
not in very good mood today.
10. Curias Billy Brown
DK05033/2008, 05/03/08, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH INTCH SECH Dalmo´s Educated Edgar –
Gwynmor Terra Nova)
O: Charlotte Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup.
E: Ulla Overgård, Nissedalen 38, 2740 Skovlunde.
2½ lever spotted, good color, some big white
plates, strong head, must improve his ear carriage,
nice angulation, moves not freely enough.
11. Inky Gipsy Indiana Jones
DK07009/2008, 06/03/2008, hvis m. brun.
(Starswept Croc Hunter – Inky Gipsy Gabi)
O: Mai-Britt Helge Larsen, Jørgen Larsen, 4700
Næstved. E: Hanne og Johnny Gertz, Kastanievangen
24, 4622 Havdrup. Tlf.: 46185417
3 years old, not masculin enough for me, nice liver
color, the spots is distributed unevenly, nice shoulders,
and ribcage, could do with more bones, moves not really
12. American Idol
S44571/2007, 22/05/07, hvid m. sort.
(SECH DKCH NORDCH INTCH NOCH Labyrinth Perfect Harmony
– Paper Moon’s Dream Catcher)
O + E: Lena Erlandsson, Killebäcksvägen 9,
Se – 246 32 Löddeköpinge, Sverige.
3 years old, black spotted, the decoration is not clean,
nice head, strong upright neck, very nice angulation,
in movement his topline is not ideal, better in standing
than in movement.
EX1. BHK4.
13. Allivalit Darvin
DK14707/2008, 12/06/08, hvid m. brun.
(SECH Jilloc´s Perfect Reflection – DKCH
Curia´s Prægtige Petra)
O: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander. E: Susanne Juhl, Nyråd
Hovedgade 96, 4760 Vordingborg, Tlf.: 40571649
2 years old, liver, with very nice decoration, very
strong head, growth in front, good angulation, nice
feet, overweight, on the course size, don´t like
other males.
Championklasse tæve.
14. DKCH SECH FICH NORDCH Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne
DK08756/2007, 11/04/2007, hvid m. sort.
Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)
O: Jens Mauritzen og Jette Mauritzen, 8000 Århus
C. E: Erik Winther Olsen, Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs
Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38872710.
2½ black spotted, very nice decoration, nice
eyes and expression, nice body, like more fore chest,
moves freely, little bit narrow behind, very nice temperament.
EX2. BTK4.
15. DKCH O´talix´s Magic Mc.Luna
DK23457/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s
Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Mette Christensen,
Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
2 years old, very nice type, strong head, lovely spotted
ears, nice topline, nice full body, moves free, little
close behind.
EX1. BTK2.
Juniorklasse tæve.
16. Curias Dream & Desires
DK17293/2009, 19/08/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH City Kid´s Dantes Peak – Gwynmor Terra
O + E: Charlotte Jenvall og Hans Thiessen, Slangerup
Ås 4, 3550 Slangerup, Tlf.: 22257119.
Ej mødt.
17. Allivalit Eiza
DK 12466/2009, 30/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Ekryda Nanook – Allivalit Amalie)
O + E: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing
Sj. E: Hanne og Johnny Gertz, Kastanievangen 24, 4622
Havdrup. Tlf.: 46185417
Good size, the decoration is not clear enough, nice
body and bones, sometimes moves freely and nice, need
ring training, nice bitch and nice type.
Mellemklasse tæve.
18. Curias Classic Chevy
DK16709/2009, 26/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As – DKCH Curias
Somebody´s Shadow)
O: Charlotte Jenvall og Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup
Ås. E: Maj-Britt Helge Larsen, Jørgen Larsen,
Kyse Overdrevs Vej 46, 4700 Næstved. Tlf.: 55444208.
14 months, good size and shape, dense black spotting,
nice body, lovely eyes, good topline, very nice body
and bones, good feets, most correct.
19. Curias You Can Call Me Candy
DK16707/2009, 26/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As – DKCH Curias
Somebody´s Shadow)
O + E: Charlotte Jenvall og Hans Thiessen, Slangerup
Ås 4, 3550 Slangerup Ås. Tlf.: 22257119.
14 months, good size, very good bones, dense black spotting,
not so evenly distributed, nice head, strong and full
shoulders, forelegs toing in, proud movement.
Åben klasse tæve.
20. Kernehuset´s Zitha
06014/2004, 23/03/2004, hvid m. sort.
(T-Cart Obvious - Kernehuset’s Ronja)
O: Peter Christiansen, 5771 Stenstrup. E: Mette Christensen,
Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
6 years old, nice black spotted bitch, good head and
topline, little bit long in loins, nice bones and feet,
moves freely and correct.
21. Bon’obis Smiling Saga
DK16015/2008, 14/07/08, hvid m. sort.
(DEVDHCH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold´s Hüsung
– Bonnie)
O + E: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen,
Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry, Tlf.: 86890670.
2 years old, nice size and shape, little bit dark in
face, nice long neck, little bit week in pastern, moves
from side in drive, from behind quite narrow.
22. Allivalit Emma
DK 12464/2009, 30/05/2009, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Ekryda Nanook – Allivalit Amalie)
O + E: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing
Sj., Tlf.: 59320266.
15 months old, very good size, strong bones, very nice
black decoration, good body and angulation, don´t
like the wind, nice from side, quite close rear.
EX1. BTK3.
23. Spotty Buddy Mon Cheri
DK22342/2007, 04/11/2007, hvid m. sort.
(Spotty Buddy Velvet Freckles - Leaveslake Sugar N Spice)
O + E: Tenna Johansen, Markdannersvej 33 Andst, 6600
Vejen, Tlf.: 75585394.
2½ black spotted very nice dense decoration,
nice compact body, lovely feet, very nice type.
24. Allivalit Chanel
DK05578/2007, 13/03/2007, hvid m. sort.
(SECH EECH LVCH FICH Ekryda Grane - Allivalit Amalie)
O: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing
Sj. E: Charlotte Holm, Åbakken 43, Ejby, 4070
Kirke Hyllinge, Tlf.: 40516081.
3 years old, large, good type, very nice decoration,
stand very good on her feet, movement up and down quite
close, from side with good drive, very nice presentation.
EX2. BTK1. Cert. BIM.
25. Shospot´s Wonder Danish Dharma
DK22715/2007, 28/02/2006, hvid m. sort.
(Dalmo´s Elegant Edward – NOCH Civelda´s
O: Shona Nedungadi. E: Mette Holmgren, Sct. Knudsgade
10, 4100 Ringsted, Tlf.: 61106929.
3 years old, big strong bitch, with very good bones
and feet, nice head, like her eyes, good neck and topline,
moves well.
26. Curias Attractive Alessi
DK05551/2007, 18/03/2007, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH Bell-A-Mir´s Eagle Eye - Gwynmor Terra Nova)
O: Charlotte Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup.
E: Bo Poulsen, Saxhøjvej 43, 2500 Valby, Tlf.:
3½ good size, the spotting on the heavy side,
quite erratic behaviour, could do with more forechest,
movement correct but not free enough.
27. Abigail
DK18501/2007, 05/06/2007, hvid m. sort.
(Team´s Loke - T-Cart Something New)
O: Nanette Alfonsson, Sverige. E: Per Vase, Borgevej
39, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Tlf.: 45877388.
3 years old, good size, quite nice spotting, lovely
eyes and ears, strong bones, very nice feet, quite long
in loins, movement not enough drive from hindlegs.
28. Spotborne Free Rider
DK16914/2007, 09/03/2007, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH DHCH SECH NORDCH Dalmo´s Aragon The First
- Paper Moon´s Corella)
O: Kenth Borggård, Sverige. E: Pia Laursen, Thetisvej
46, 8900 Randers, Tlf.: 86436569.
3 years old, liver bitch, quite nice decoration, good
head and ears, quite long in loins and low set tail,
good withers and angulation, not enough drive in movement.
VG |