Kritikker fra udstilllingen i Middelfart 27.04.2010
Dommer tæver: Shellie Marshall, Australien
Dommer hanner:
Jonathan Marshall , Australien

Babyklasse - Tæve

38. Frihedens Regina Royale
Dk06824/2010, 27/03/10, Hvid M Sort ( - DKCH Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas)(w) Opdrætter: Jette Mauritzen, Jens Chr. Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C Ejer: Jette Mauritzen, Jens Chr. Mauritzen, Gentoftevej 18, 8000 Århus C, 86117162 -
3 month old baby, Well proportioned. Balanced head. Wellset ear. Well angulated front and rear angels. Sound … moving. Nice temperament. Ticking comersing through the spotting. Very Promising 1, Best Baby

39. Frihedens Romanza Royale
Dk06825/2010, 27/03/10, Hvid M Sort ( - DKCH Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas)(w) Opdrætter: Jette Mauritzen, Jens Chr. Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C Ejer: Jette Mauritzen, Jens Chr. Mauritzen, Gentoftevej 18, 8000 Århus C, 86117162 –
3 month old. Correct body proportions. Slightly short to muzzle to skull. Balanced in angual. Longer in loin. Ticking coming through. Excellent temperament. Very ….. to assist movement. Very Promising 2

Hvalpeklasse - Hanhund

1. Spotnik´s Golden Globe For Oriana
No30187/10, 27/11/09, Hvid/Lever (INTCH AUCH Alphadirato Future Brand - NOCH SECH Spotnik´s Coffee Cream)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen, Norge Ejer: Søren Jacobsen Og Helle Høie, Møllebakken 21, 4581 Rørvig –
7 month old male. Correct body proportions. Very good head, balanced, clean. Very good expression. Strong bone. Well balanced angual. Exc. topline, tailset. Very good pigment and spotting. Sound in movement. Very Promising 1, Best Puppy

Championklasse - Hanhund

8. INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy
S 62691/2004, 24/07/04, Hvit/Sort (DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik's Viking Victory - Bell-A-Mir's Classy Cleopatra)(w) Opdrætter: Charlotte Linde Sørensen, Dk 8800 Ejer: Helle Høie, S. Iversson & Jacobsen, Digesgård 108, Se-31198 Glommen, Sverige -
5 years old. Correct proportions in any way. Well angulated front and rear. Very well ribbed back. Powerful hind quarters. Sound when moving with exc. reach and drive. Clear well…. Spotting - EX1, Best male no. 1, BOB

10. NOCH DKCH Price-Spot´s Are You Ready
N 08510/06, 03/04/06, Hvid/Lever (NOCH SECH DKCH NORDCH Spotnik's Snow Storm - NOCH DKCH NORDCH Dalmo's Xantippe) Opdrætter: , Ejer: -
4 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Round eye. Moderate angulated front. Exc. feet. Correct sitting. Powerful hindquarters. Sound in movement in reach and drive - EX2, Best male no. 2

6. SECH DKCH Ridotto Napoleone
S 46334/2003, 11/06/03, Hvid M Sorte Aftegn (NOCH Spotnik's Quick Quackery - Ridotto Filomena)(w) Opdrætter: , Ejer: Boholm Åsa, Fässbergsgatan 41, Se-43169 Mölndal, Sverige -
6 years old male. Correct in body proportions. Correct balanced head. High set ears, dark eye, moderate angulations. Balanced. Correct ribbing. Very good spotting. Sound when moving - EX3

N 00628/05, 04/12/04, Hvit/Lever (NOCH DKCH SECH NORDCH Dalmo's Aragon The First - Lovinda's Chessie)(w) Opdrætter: Anne Karin Nyhammer, 5350, Norge Ejer: Anne-K.Nyhammer, Storevarden 16, N-5350 Brattholmen, Norge -
5 years old male. Slightly longer than high. Correct head proportioins, dark eye, long neck. Slightly forward placed shoulders. Strong topline. Sound when moving. Very good reach and drive - EX4

7. Sigurt
11160/2004, 13/05/04, Hvid M Brun (Bad & Mad Serbian Success In Raul - Memory Dalsjø's Bird)(w) Opdrætter: Gert Og Karen Skovmand, 6600 Vejen Ejer: Lise Brobyskov, Andebøllevej 192, Andebølle, 5492 Vissenbjerg, 65951482 – 21800842 -
6 years old male. Strong bone and head. Dark eye. Moderate angulations. Exc. liver pigment in spotting but missing pigment on nose. Moderate reach and drive, but sound in movement - EX

9. Toot's Chantilly Lace
Dk09624/2007, 10/01/07, Hvid M Brun (SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc's Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot's You Can Call Me Al)(w) Opdrætter: Jakobsen, Aase Og Utsi, Ellen, Norge Ejer: Lone Øgaard, Gyvelvænget 98, 7730 Hanstholm, 97962826 – 24244757 -
3 years old male. Correct head proportions. Dark eye. Correct ears. Moderate angulated, balanced. Very good bone and feet. Correct sitting. Moderate reach and drive - EX

2. DKCH Oriana's Traceable Toffee
03337/2006, 02/02/06, Hvid M Brun (NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)(w) Opdrætter: Søren Jacobsen, 2650 Hvidovre Ejer: Kaja Bisgaard, Kielshøj 3, 3520 Farum, 35109110 -
4 years old strongboned male. Broad skull. Correct set ears. Very moderate angulated. Correct depth in chest. Short sitting. Moderate reach and drive. Loose front action - VG

4. DKCH SECH INTCH DECH Oriana's Traceable Target
03334/2006, 02/02/06, Hvid M Brun (NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)(w) Opdrætter: Søren Jacobsen, 2650 Hvidovre Ejer: Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Annemiek Morgans, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, 29643445 -
4 years old male. Correct proportions high/long. Strong head. Moderate angulations. Short neck. Correct topline, tailset. Dark liver pigment. Not sound moving away and towards. Moderate in reach and drive - VG

Juniorklasse - Hanhund

16. Spotnik's First Farao For Ormond
No 37316/09, 03/02/09, Hvit/Sort (CZCH Knock On Heaven Door Raul - NOCH SECH Solby´s Holly)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen Ejer: Michael Lehmann Og Helle Høie, Spechthorner Strasse 58, De-29362 Hohne-Spechtshorn, Tyskland -
16 months old male. Correct proportions. Well balanced head. Round light eye. Well angulated front and rear. Exc. sitting. Powerful hindquarters. Exc. reach and drive. Exc. spotting and color - EX1, Best male no. 3, Best Junior, Certificate

11. Gracilis Long Live Rockn Roll
Fi19148/09, 20/02/09, White - Liver (FICH NOCH Toot's Yellow Bird - FICH EECH SECH INTCH Gracilis Higher Power)(w) Opdrætter: Outi Nurmi, 14500 - Iittala, Finland Ejer: Outi Nurmi, Vastamäenkaarre 30, Fi-14500 Iittala, Finland -
16 months old male. Correct body proportions. Strong bone. Balanced head. Well angulated in front and rear. Ex. Sitting. Powerful hinduarters. Sound when moving and covers ground - EX2

19. Absolute Love Best Fairytale From S
Uku.0042638, 28/04/09, Hvid Med Sort (Perdita´s Right On Time - Albicans Fidelia) Opdrætter: , Ejer: Kubko Anna, , Ukraine -
14 months old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark eye. Wellset ears. Well angulated front and rear. Correct bone and feet. Moves with excellent reach and drive. Correct topline and tailset. Excellent spotting - EX3

17. Holmankarin Odysseus
Fi 42985/09, 21/05/09, Liver-White (INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - FICH LVCH RUCH INTCH EECH Holmankarin Josephine)(w) Opdrætter: Ripatti Eeva-Maija, 03100 Nummela, Finland Ejer: Ripatti Eeva-Maija & Laura, Hopeasepäntie 1 A 1, Fi-03100 Nummela, Finland -
13 months old. Correct body proportions. Well balanced head. Refind muzzle. Moderate angulated front. Well ribbed. Good hindqurters. Correct bones. Sound when moving. Correct bone and feet - EX4

14. Lovinda's Indian Chief
No 38285/09, 01/03/09, Hvit/Lever (SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc's Loverboy - Jilloc's Picture Of Paradise)(w) Opdrætter: Anne Karin Nyhammer, 5350 Bratholmen, Norge Ejer: Nina Nyhammer, Postboks 174, N-1701 Sarpsborg, Norge –
15 month old male. Correct body proportions. Balanced head. Light eye. Slightly forward placed shoulders. Longer loin. Correct topline, tailset. Sound when moving. Very good reach and drive - EX

15. Andiamo
S 35984/2009, 09/04/09, Hvid M Sorte Aftegn (NOCH DKCH Dalmo's Headmaster-Ii - Ridotto Patrizia)(w) Opdrætter: Jessica Nordin, Se 442 94 Ytterby, Sverige Ejer: Åsa Boholm, Fässbergsgatan 41, Se-43169 Mölndal, Sverige -
14 months old male. Correct proportions. Strond skull. Exc. pigment. Wellset ears. Exc. expression. Moderately angulated front and rear. Correct sitting. Exc. bone and feet. Sound when moving - EX

13. Jelly Bean Of Duke's Proud
Nhsb 2744352, 01/04/09, Liver-White (Spotnik's Viking Victory - Crazy For You Of Duke's Proud)(w) Opdrætter: Sandra Hertogh, Nl4794 Ra, Netherlands Ejer: Sandra Hertogh, Oude Heijningsedijk 13, Nl-4794 Ra Heijningen, Netherlands –
13 months male. Correct proportions. Very good bone, feet, balanced head. Moderate angulations. Sound when moving. But very unsecure temperament - VG

18. Curias Courageus Casper
Dk16711/2009, 26/05/09, Hvid M Sort (GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As - DKCH Curias Somebody's Shadow)(w) Opdrætter: Charlotte Maag Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup Ejer: Tina Mallling Thorsen, Charlotte Maag Jenvall, Chr. Winthers Vej 75, 4700 Næstved, 38790464 – 29271553 -
14 months old male. Up in size. More refind in bone. Dark eye. Wellset ears. Straight front. Correct feet. Short in sitting. Moderately angulated rear. Exc. temperament - VG

Mellemklasse - Hanhund

23. Spotnik's Fit For Fun
No 37312/09, 03/02/09, Hvid/Sort (CZCH Knock On Heaven Door Raul - Solby´s Holly)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, 1560 Larkollen, Norge Ejer: Kjersti Sletten Og Helle Høie, Teglverksveien 12, N-3430 Spikkestad, Norge -
17 month old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Exc. eye shape, color and expression. Correct bone and feet. Moderately angulated rear and front. Well ribbed. Correct topline. Sound when moving and covering ground - EX1

25. Closest Fantasy Sunset Dalmatian
Clp Da/6467, 01/07/08, Liver Spotted (NOCH Spotnik's Quick Quackery - INTCH Lacrima Christi Count On Me)(w) Opdrætter: Eva Dragovic, 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic Ejer: Eva Dragovic, Novakovych 1817/30, Cz-180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic -
23 months male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark eye, wellset ear. Correct bone. Balanced angulated front and rear. Correct topline, tailset. Moves with very good reach and drive. Slightly heavier spotting but broken - EX2

22. Marnellin Hot To Handle
Fin54384/08, 05/09/08, White With Black Spo (Jilloc's Loverboy - Timanka's Playmate)(w) Opdrætter: Marttinen Eine, 40270 Palokka, Finland Ejer: Huttunen Niina, Honkaharjuntie 5, Fi-40600 Jyväskylä, Finland -
22 months old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark eye. Well angulated front and rear. Strong bone. Excellent feet. Excellent ribbing. Dark spots. Excellent pigment - EX3

26. Namara's Wild Basil
Nhsb 2724068, 12/10/08, Liver (Ridotto Napoleone - Namara's End Of The Rainbow)(w) Opdrætter: E. Kuipers, 4651 Rh, Netherlands Ejer: L.C. Aben, Kruislandsedijk 27 A, Nl-4651 Rh Steenbergen, Netherlands -
20 months old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head, light eye. Wellset ears. Moderately angulated front and rear. Correct bone and feet. A little actively moving but when settled more sound. EX4

20. Bon'obis Rainbow Rover
Dk16014/2008, 14/07/08, Hvid M Brun (DEVDHCH DECH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold's Hüsung - Bonnie)(w) Opdrætter: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, 8680 Ry Ejer: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry, 86890670 -
24 month male. Balanced head. Light eye. Moderate angulations. Narrow chest. Very good feet. Moderate angulated rear. Deep liver pigment - VG

24. Divalinor Fallen Star
Rkf 2551572, 27/02/09, White&black (Caprilli's Glenmorangie - Sweet Emotion Panthera Unica)(w) Opdrætter: Dimitar Stanchev, Varna, Bulgaria Ejer: Irina Abrosimova, 7-B-23 Shkolnaya Str., Ru-143430 Nahabino Moskovskaya Oblast, Russian Federation -
16 months ole male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark eye. Wellset ears. Moderately angulated front. Narrow through chest. Excellent spotting and pigment. Not sound moving - VG

Åben Klasse - Hanhund

35. NUCH Dalmo's Joker II
N 04796/08, 29/01/08, Hvid/Lever (INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - NOCG Dalmo's Campari) Opdrætter: Kirsti & Tyge Greibrokk, Norge Ejer: Anny Kindlistuen, Ovrenveien 90, , Norge -
2,5 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Strong skull. Moderate angulations. Balanced. Correct bone and feet. Wellribbed. Sound when moving with very good reach and drive. Exc. temperament - EX1

34. NOCH SECH EUUV09 Solbo's Kayo
S 31627/2008, 16/03/08, Hvit/Sort (INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - NOCH SECH DKCH NORDCH Spotnik's Calling Card)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen, Norge Ejer: B.-E. Løken, S- Ivarsson Og H. Høie, Sagafaret 6, N-3514 Hønefoss, Norge -
2 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark eye. Moderately angulated in front. Correct bone and feet. Wellribbed. Powerful wellangulated indquarters. Exc. spotting. Sound when moving - EX2

31. INTCH RUCH Gwynmor Young Glory
Rkf 1864161, 17/12/05, White&black (Beel-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - Gwynmor Quicksilver)(w) Opdrætter: Morgans A., 8325, Netherlands Ejer: Uspekhova I.A., Ul. Gorodetskay 12-180, Vologda Region, Ru-162600 Cherepovets, Russian Federation -
4 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Well angulated. Strong through the body. Powerful hindquarters. Sound when moving. Dark pigment, dark spotting - EX3

28. NOCH Dalmo's Elegant Edward
N 06350/04, 01/03/04, Hvit Sort (NOCH DKCH SECH NORDCH Dalmo's Aragon The First - NOCH Dalmo's Viva La Bamba)(w) Opdrætter: Kennel Dalmo, Norge Ejer: Kirsti Greibrokk, Kalderaveien 3, N-1359 Eiksmarka, Norge -
5 years old. Correct proportions. Balanced head, dark eye. Well angulated in front and rear. Correct sitting. Correct bone. Sound in moving with excellent reach and drive. Dark pigment - EX4

27. FICH Joydal Air Force One
Fin46778/07, 10/08/07, White - Black Spots (FICH O'zone Erland - Gracilis Gold Chocolate)(w) Opdrætter: Tanja Pietilä, 14500 - Iittala, Finland Ejer: Tanja Pietilä, Kotkajärventie 11, Fi-14500 Iittala, Finland -
26 months old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark eye. Moderate angulated front and rear. Strong bone, correct feet. Well ribbed back. Very good reach and drive. Exc. pigment - EX

29. NLCH Elaridge Celtic Warrior
Nhsb 2681612, 01/07/07, Black (INTCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - Elaridge Sherry Pepper)(w) Opdrætter: Rita Stokes, Ub8 1pd Uxbridge, United Kingdom Ejer: Annemiek Morgans, Weg V Twee Nijenhuizen 14, Nl-8325 Pd Vollenhove, Netherlands -
3 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Dark brown eye. Correct bone and feet. Balanced angulations. Well ribbed. Exc. temperament. Sound when moving - EX

32. RUCH Schastlivy Grand S Nevskih Ostrovov
Rkf 2249355, 11/12/07, White-Liver (INTCH RUCH BYCH BACH BGCH MDCH Veseliy Roger S Nevskih Ostrovov - RUCH Gordost S Nevskih Ostrovov)(w) Opdrætter: Anna Zemtsova, St.Petersburg 195213, Russian Federation Ejer: Anna Zemtsova, Zanevskiy 59-48, Ru-195213 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation -
2,5 years old dog. Correct proportions. Slightly short in muzzle. Moderate angulated. Well ribbed. Sound when moving. Poor temperament - VG

Veteranklasse - Hanhund

37. DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik's Viking Victory
04224/2002, 21/08/01, Hvid M Brun (NOCH NLCH DKCH NORDCH FICH LUCH INTCH BECH GBCH VV02 Spotnik's Special Selection - NOCH DKCH NORDCH FICH INTCH Perdita's Kiss Me Better)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, Norge Ejer: Søren T. Jacobsen & Helle Høie, M. Bechs Alle 69, C/O M.G. Vindfeldt, 2650 Hvidovre, 61169816 -
8,5 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Very dark eyes. Wellangulated front and rear. Correct bone and feet. Wellribbed. Powerful indquarter. Sound with exc. reach and drive. Heavier spotting. Exc. pigment - EX1, Best male no. 4

36. INTCH FICH SECH EECH LTCH WJW03 Titara´s Nota Bene
Fin 23285/02, 28/03/02, (INTCH NORDCH FICH NOCH SECH Doh Hill's Adventurer - FICH Titara´s Sweet Natalie)(w) Opdrætter: Satu Myllyntaus, Muurame, Finland Ejer: Merja-Maarit Haapalainen, Lapinalhontie 25, Fi-04530 Ohkola, Finland -
8 years old male. Correct proportions. Balanced head. Wellset ears. Round dark eye. Well angulated front and rear. Correct bone and feet. Sound when moving. Exc. temperament - EX2

Championklasse - Tæve

44. SECH DKCH Jilloc´s Splendid Choice
S 44950/2007, 05/06/07, Vit/Lever (SECH NOCH FICH NORDCH DKCH INTCH VV00 Jilloc's A Man In The Mirror - SECH(U) Jilloc´s Key To Sucess)(w) Opdrætter: Florence Brunberg-Karlsson, Sverige Ejer: Florence Brunberg-Karlsson/Rune Joh, Fogdegården, Se-53391 Götene, Sverige
3 years old liver bitch. Beautyful balance and proportion. Lovely spotting with correct pigmentation and correct dark eye. Balanced angulation used perfectly on the gait - EX1, Club Certificate, Best bitch no. 1, BOS

46. NOCH DKCH SECH NORDCH Spotnik's Diva Deluxe
N 22977/06, 03/09/06, Hvid/Lever (NZCH Andax Allegiance To Stedfast - Spotnik's Treasure O'tomorrow)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen, Norge Ejer: Helle Høie, Postboks 56, N-1560 Larkollen, Norge -
3 years old liver bitch of correct size with correct angulation and beautiful hight to length size. Carries herself correctly and shows off her topline to tailset to perfection - EX2, Best bitch no. 2

47. NOCH SECH DKCH NORDCH Spotnik's Calling Card
S 11764/2006, 20/06/05, Hvit/Sort (NOCH Dalmo's Elegant Edward - Spotnik's Treasure O'tomorrow)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen, Norge Ejer: Solveig Ivarsson, Digesgård 108, Se-31198 Glommen, Sverige -
5 years old blackspotted bitch. Good size bitch with beautiful spotting and lovely strong pigmentation. Correct expression, angulation with pleasing topline - EX3

41. DKCH O'talix's Magic Mc.Luna
Dk23457/2007, 21/10/07, Hvid M Brun (SECH Toot's Zanzibar - DKCH O'talix's Knock Out Kawa By Vic)(w) Opdrætter: Holmgren, Mette, 4100 Ringsted Ejer: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg -
2 year old liver bitch of correct size. Correct height to length size. Correct topline. Carries herself well in sidegate. True gait - EX4

43. DKCH SECH Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne
Dk08756/2007, 11/04/07, Hvid M Sort (DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)(w) Opdrætter: Mauritzen, Jens Chr. Og Mauritzen, Jette, 8000 Århus C Ejer: Erik Winther Olsen, Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, 38872710 -
5 year old blackspotted bitch. Correct size. Moderate angulation. Beautyful pigmentation. Correct dark eye. Pleasing expression. Moves well and carries topline correctly - EX

Muzika S Nevskih Ostrovov
Rkf 2062348, 06/08/06, White-Black (INTCH RUCH BYCH BACH BGCH MDCH Veseliy Roger S Nevskih Ostrovov - FICH NOCH RUCH Esche Odna Volna S Nevskih Ostrovov)(w) Opdrætter: Anna Zemtsova, 195213 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation Ejer: Anna Zemtsova, Zanevskiy 59-48, Ru-195213 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation -
5 years old blackspotted. Nicely balanced. Correct pigmentation with a balanced angulaton. Correct topline and tailset. Temperament spoils the whole outline - VG

Juniorklasse - Tæve

50. Gracilis Love Power
Fi19152/09, 20/02/09, White - Liver (FICH NOCH Toot's Yellow Bird - FICH EECH SECH INTCH Gracilis Higher Power)(w) Opdrætter: Outi Nurmi, 14500 - Iittala, Finland Ejer: Outi Nurmi, Vastamäenkaarre 30, Fi-14500 Iittala, Finland -
16 month old liver bitch of correct hight and balance. Pleasing expression and beautiful coat. Moved well true out and back - EX1

59. Jilloc's Vote For Me
S60620/2009, 09/09/09, Vit Bruna Prickar (Spotnik's Viking Victory - Jilloc's Reflection In A Mirror)(w) Opdrætter: Florence Brunberg Karlsson, 53391, Sverige Ejer: Jenny Andersson, Kapellsgatan 21, Se-52130 Falköping, Sverige -
9 month old liver bitch of correct size. Correct neck into shoulder with correct topline into tail. Balanced head with good shape and level skull. Eyecolor spoils lovely bitch - EX2

49. Fairytale Spot's Bride To Be
Fi24132/09, 26/02/09, White - Black Spots (FICH Joydal Air Force One - SECH Jilloc's Key To Sucess)(w) Opdrætter: Hanna Lennartsson, 53391 - Götene, Sweden Ejer: Tanja Pietilä, Kotkajärventie 11, Fi-14500 Iittala, Finland -
16 month old blackspotted bitch of correct size and balance. Long neck from correct lay of shoulder. Fairly correct sidegate carrying her topline correctly - EX3

52. Gwynmor Chiquitita
Nhsb 2740993, 10/03/09, Black (INTCH Lacrima Christi Coppola - NLCH Gwynmor Ysgawen)(w) Opdrætter: Annemiek Morgans, 8325 Pd Vollenhove, Netherlands Ejer: Annemiek Morgans, Weg V Twee Nijenhuizen 14, Nl-8325 Pd Vollenhove, Netherlands -
15 month old blackspotted bitch of good size. Good length of neck leading to very level topline. Strongly pigmented. Hindangulation is a lot greater than the front. Spoiling the sideaction. Very true moving away - EX4

51. Vinatta's Alma
No46532/09, 30/05/09, Hvit/Lever (N Uch Dalmrosa's Gaute Pudding - D' Laila Fs)(w) Opdrætter: Karine Yvonne Næss, 2340 Løten, Norge Ejer: Cecilie Bårdsen Og Karine Y Næss, Bratvold, N-2340 Løten, Norge -
13 month old liver bitch of correct size, fairly well balanced. Moves adequately. Would prefer stronger topline and tailset - EX

54. Tootsie Roll Of Duke's Proud
Nhsb 2744361, 01/04/09, Liver-White (Spotnik's Viking Victory - Crazy For You Of Duke's Proud)(w) Opdrætter: Sandra Hertogh, Nl4794 Ra, Netherlands Ejer: Sandra Hertogh, Oude Heijningsedijk 13, Nl-4794 Ra Heijningen, Netherlands -
15 month old liver bitch of correct size with correct balance in height – lenght and angulation. Correct neck into topline into correct tailset - EX

55. Allivalit Emma
Dk12464/2009, 30/05/09, Hvid M Sort (SECH Ekryda Nanook - Allivalit Amalie)(w) Opdrætter: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing Sj. Ejer: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, Havegårdsvej 1, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., 59320266 – 22947122 -
13 month old blackspotted bitch. Very well spotted with fair pigmentation. Moved quite well out and back and demonstrated her inn….. - EX

56. Curias You Can Call Me Candy
Dk16707/2009, 26/05/09, Hvid M Sort (GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As - DKCH Curias Somebody's Shadow)(w) Opdrætter: Charlotte Maag Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup Ejer: Charlotte Maag Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, Slangerup Ås 4, 3550 Slangerup, 22257119 – 39632453 -
13 month old black bitch of full size. Very well balanced with large spotting. Lovely temperament. Balanced angulation which assists her sidegate and her true out – and – back. EX

57. Curias Dream & Desires
Dk17293/2009, 19/08/09, Hvid M Sort (SECH City Kid's Dantes Peak - Gwynmor Terra Nova)(w) Opdrætter: Charlotte Maag Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup Ejer: Charlotte Maag Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, Slangerup Ås 4, 3550 Slangerup, 22257119 – 39632453 -
10 month old blackspotted bitch of correct hight and balance. Correct topline and tailset. Sidegate demonstrates good reach at the moment, matureting spoils hind action - EX

58. Holmankarin Ofelia
Fi 42977/09, 21/05/09, Black-White (INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - FICH LVCH RUCH INTCH EECH EUUV06 Holmankarin Josephine)(w) Opdrætter: Ripatti Eeva-Maija, 03100 Nummela, Finland Ejer: Tietäväinen Rauni, Hopeasepäntie 1 A 1, Fi-03100 Nummela, Finland -
13 month old blackspotted bitch of correct type. Well pigmented in good black. Correct length of neck with good lay of shoulder. Correct legs and feet. Would prefer more return of upper arm - EX

53. Whatchamacallit Of Duke's Proud
Nhsb 2744357, 01/04/09, Liver-White (Spotnik's Viking Victory - Crazy For You Of Duke's Proud)(w) Opdrætter: Sandra Hertogh, Nl4794 Ra, Netherlands Ejer: Sandra Hertogh, Oude Heijningsedijk 13, Nl-4794 Ra Heijningen, Netherlands -
14 month old liver bitch. Very strong pigmentation. Correct level topline. Correctly balanced anguations. An unsecure baby at the present, shying away - VG

Mellemklasse - Tæve

60. Chernaya Pantera Iz Terletskoy Dubr
Rkf2457063, 29/12/08, White & Black (Puding Dog Knjaz Terletskiy - Irina Iz Terletskoy Dubravy)(w) Opdrætter: Irina Petrakova, 140140, Russian Federation Ejer: Tatiana Tarasenko, 36-1-44 Korovinskoye Shosse, Ru-125412 Moskva, Russian Federation -
15 month old black bitch of full size with strong pigment and spots. Fair length of neck. Moderate angulations. Good legs and correct feet - EX1

61. Dalmo's Karmencita
N 26425/08, 04/10/08, Hvid/Sort (NOCH DKCH Dalmo's Headmaster-Ii - Dalmo's Cera)(w) Opdrætter: Kirsti Og Tyge Greibrokk, 1358 Jar, Norge Ejer: Kristin Drange Og Kirsti Greibrokk, Drangsvegen 282, N-5215 Lysekloster, Norge -
20 month old blackspotted bitch of good size and moderate angulation. Upstanding bitch showing off temperament. Good black/white correct coat - EX2

63. Namara's Colorado Blue Columbine
Nhsb 2724069, 12/10/08, Black (Ridotto Napoleone - Namara's End Of The Rainbow)(w) Opdrætter: E. Kuipers, 4651 Rh, Netherlands Ejer: E. Kuipers, Kruislandsedijk 27a, Nl-4651 Rh Steenbergen, Netherlands -
20 month old black bitch. Very well spotted, clear black. Correct topline and tailset. Moved well out and back and showed fair reach and drive - EX3

62. Ultima Vom Gramzower Kloster
Vdh/Dvd 3252, 13/02/09, W/B (Perdita's Right On Time - Suse Vom Gramzower Kloster)(w) Opdrætter: Rotsch, Petra Und Juergen, 17291 Gramzow, Germany Ejer: Rotsch, Petra Und Juergen, Klosterberg 14, De-17291 Gramzow, Germany -
16 month old liverspotted bitch of correct size. Good depth of pigmentation. Correct legs and feet. Would prefer more return of upper arm. Handling and temperament was spoiled today - VG4

Åben Klasse - Tæve

89A. MDCH EECH INTCH Armani Atlas Bi
Rkf 2109830, 22/04/07, White&liver (Alphadirato Future Brand - Rutta Li Aisha)(w) Opdrætter: Irina Novikova, 603049, Russian Federation Ejer: Irina Novikova, Engelsa 14-37, Ru-603049 N.Novgorod, Russian Federation -
4 years old liver bitch with good neck, good topline and tailset. Pleasing head and expression. Stands square at all time. Would prefer cleaner spotting - EX1, Best bitch no. 3, Certificate

83. NOCH Spotnik's Excuse For Ecstacy
N 04130/08, 26/10/07, Hvit/Sort (INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - Spotnik's Xcellent Xample)(w) Opdrætter: Helle Høie, No1560 Larkollen, Norge Ejer: I. Og F. Stensvik Og Helle Høie, Postboks 56, N-1560 Larkollen, Norge -
2 years old blackspotted bitch of full size with correct topline and tailset. True out and back. Good depth of chest with correct underline. Correct temperament - EX2, Best bitch no. 4

70. Dalmo's Contessa
N 08579/03, 28/03/03, Hvid/Lever (NOCH DKCH Dalmo's Xanadu - NOCH Dalmo's Octavia)(w) Opdrætter: Kennel Dalmo, Norge Ejer: Arild Harjen & Kirsti Greibrokk, Kalderaveien 3, N-1359 Eiksmarka, Norge -
7 year old liver bitch of good size with lovely temperament. Correct eye color and pigmentation. Fairly well angulated. Level topline and good tailset - EX3

84. SECH FICH Ace Of Spades Imagine
S 54451/2004, 14/07/04, Hvid M Sort (DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH INTCH Spotnik's Viking Victory - T-Cart Ivory Bell)(w) Opdrætter: Monika O Birgitta Helling, Bromma, Sverige Ejer: Birgitta Helling, 5566 Holmen Anderssvedja, Se-76175 Norrtälje, Sverige -
6 years old blackspotted bitch. Fullsized that stands square at all time. Correct expression. Good topline and tailset. Moved well out and back and on the side - EX4

64. WJW08 Toot's Counting On A Miracle
Dk09649/2007, 10/01/07, Hvid M Brun (SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc's Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot's You Can Call Me Al)(w) Opdrætter: Jakobsen, Aase Og Utsi, Ellen, Norge Ejer: Jens Møller Christensen, Kongshøj Allé 100, 5300 Kerteminde, 65325225 – 61203910 -
3 years old liver bitch of correct size. Average angulations. Moves quite soundly. Spotting is heavy and messy. Good straight legs, sound catfeet - EX

65. FICH EECH SECH Gracilis Higher Power
Fin35158/05, 05/06/05, (Firehouse's Frantic Fullback - Gracilis Flower Power)(w) Opdrætter: Outi Nurmi, 14500 Iittala, Suomi Ejer: Päivi Jousmäki, Taunonkatu 13, Fi-33900 Tampere, Suomi -
5 years old blackspotted bitch. Exc. black pigmentation on white correct coat. Balanced head. Correct length of neck. Would prefer better return of upperarm to match hindangulation. Correct topline. Carries herself well - EX

66. Bazius Exotic Summernight
S42662/2008, 28/04/08, Svart Vit (USCH Merry Go Round Mach Ten - NORDCH SECH DKCH FICH Timanka Miracle Of Love)(w) Opdrætter: Katarina Bekeris, 13941 Värmdö, Sweden Ejer: Maija Eloranta, Matti Hirvonen, Vänge-Väsby 84, Se-74020 Vaenge, Sweden -
2 years old blackspotted bitch on the lower side of the standard. Strong black pigment on correct white background. Correct temperament and happy disposition - EX

67. Alphadirato Harmony
Rkf 2323329, 27/04/08, White W.Black Spots (USCH Merry Go Round Mach Ten - EECH DKCH Alphadirato Exact Copy)(w) Opdrætter: Leelo Ratas, 76901, Estonia Ejer: Volgina Natalia, Veernaya St., 3-5-61, Ru-119501 Moscow, Russian Federation -
2 year old blackspotted bitch of good black/white and balance in hight to length. Would prefer greater return in upperarm and stronger croup. Covered ground well on sidegate - EX

68. Curias Asta Allegro
Dk05550/2007, 18/03/07, Hvid M Sort (DKCH Bell-A-Mir's Eagle Eye - Gwynmor Terra Nova)(w) Opdrætter: Jenvall, Charlotte Og Thiessen, Hans, 3550 Slangerup Ejer: Bente Skovlund Madsen, Vårgyvelvej 1, 2690 Karlslunde, 46150102 -
3 years old blackspotted bitch. Good size with good pigment and correct eye color. Pleasing head being of equal proportions. Would prefer better upperarm and better handling. Still a very typical bitch - EX

69. D' Laila Fs
N 20969/05, 28/07/05, Hvit/Lever (Spotnik's White Winter - Toot's Quanta Costa)(w) Opdrætter: Frode Skognes, 1880 Eidsberg, Norge Ejer: Karine Yvonne Næss, Bratvold, N-2340 Løten, Norge -
5 year old liver bitch on the smaller side. Requires stronger pigmentation, special on the nose leather. Angulation is balanced and satisfying. Topline is level on the move - EX

71. Crazy For You Of Duke's Proud
Nhsb 2554610, 13/04/05, Hvid/Brun (Gwynmor Quality Label - Obviously Onyx Of Duke's Proud)(w) Opdrætter: Sandra Hertogh, Nl4794 Ra, Netherlands Ejer: Sandra Hertogh, Oude Heijningsedijk 13, Nl-4794 Ra Heijningen, Netherlands -
5 years old liver bitch of correct hight and typical temperament. Well pigmented with correct ear set. Correct level topline and correct tailset - EX

72. NLCH Perfect Kiss Of Duke's Proud
Nhsb 2675010, 03/10/07, Liver-White (Spotnik's Viking Victory - Obviously Onyx Of Duke's Proud)(w) Opdrætter: Sandra Hertogh, Nl4794 Ra, Netherlands Ejer: Sandra Hertogh, Oude Heijningsedijk 13, Nl-4794 Ra Heijningen, Netherlands -
3 years old liver bitch of correct size with fairly good topline and tailset. Rear does not balance with hindaction due to angulation. Correct legs and sound feet. Correct coat - EX

73. Spotty Buddy Mon Chéri
Dk22342/2007, 04/11/07, Hvid M Sort (DECH DEVDHCH DKCH PLCH INTCH Spotty Buddy Velvet Freckles - Leaveslake Sugar N Spice)(w) Opdrætter: Tenna Johansen, 6600 Vejen Ejer: Tenna Johansen, Markdannersvej 33, Andst, 6600 Vejen, 75585394 – 32531304 -
3 years old blackspottted bitch on the small side of the standard. Correct color and coat. Stands square. Would prefer more length in the muzzle. Sidegate is sound - EX

74. Solbo`s Karisma
S 31630/2008, 16/03/08, Svart M Vita Prickar (INTCH NORDCH FICH WW06 PLCH GBCH Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - NOCH SECH DKCH NORDCH Spotnik's Calling Card)(w) Opdrætter: Solveig Ivarsson, 31058 Vessigebro, Sverige Ejer: Cecilia Andersson, Paradisvägen 13, Se-28672 Åsljunga, Sverige -
2 years old blackspotted bitch of good size. Balanced head and angulations. Correct level topline and tailset. Moves well. Strong eye pigmentation - EX

75. Prickwillow's Akilah
N 22298/02, 17/10/02, Hvid/Lever (Dalmo's Onsager Equation - Dalmo's Prickly Willow)(w) Opdrætter: Kristin Drange Og Roger Tysse, 5215 Lysekloster, Norge Ejer: Kristin Drange, Drangsvegen 282, N-5215 Lysekloster, Norge -
8 years old liver bitch of good hight. Good length of neck. Correct shoulder angulation. Would prefer more return of upper arm and level topline. Bitch that stands square and has correct temperament - EX

76. Chandhally Snow Flake
S 44038/2005, 22/12/04, (GBCH Washhakie Chief As Great As - Chandhally Chantilly Lace)(w) Opdrætter: Nina Fleming, England Ejer: Åsa Boholm, Fässbergsgatan 41, Se-431 69 Mölndal, Sverige -
5 years old blackspotted bitch of good size. Correct length of neck. Stands square. Good reach and drive at sidegate. Well pigmented - EX

77. FICH EECH LVCH Jilloc´s Scandal Beauty
Fin 14301/08, 05/06/07, (SECH NOCH FICH NORDCH DKCH INTCH VV00 Jilloc's A Man In The Mirror - SECH Jilloc´s Key To Success)(w) Opdrætter: Florence Brunberg Karlsson, 53391 Götene, Sverige Ejer: Merja-Maarit Haapalainen, Lapinalhontie 25, Fi-04530 Ohkola, Finland -
3 years old liver bitch. Correct hight and length. Correct reach into good topline. Moved adequately. Correct head and expression with correct ears and earset - EX

78. Bon'obis Smiling Saga
Dk16015/2008, 14/07/08, Hvid M Sort (DEVDHCH DECH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold's Hüsung - Bonnie)(w) Opdrætter: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, 8680 Ry Ejer: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry, 86890670 -
2 years old black bitch on the small side of the standard. Stand square at all time. Good pigmentation and correct eye color. Would prefer upper arm turn to be improved. Moved adequately - EX

79. LVCH LTCH RUCH Nefertiti S Nevskih Ostrovov
Rkf 2154683, 09/01/07, White-Liver (INTCH RUCH BYCH BACH BGCH MDCH Veseliy Roger S Nevskih Ostrovov - RUCH UACH Ekaterina Iz Terletskoy Dubravy)(w) Opdrætter: Anna Zemtsova, St.Petersburg 195213, Russian Federation Ejer: Anna Zemtsova, Zanevskiy 59-48, Ru-195213 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation -
3 years old liver spotted bitch of correct size, that is very true out and back. Strong pigmentation with good eye color. Correct length of neck into wellsloaping shoulder - EX

80. Chandhally Snow Queen
Kc Af00597401, 22/12/04, Sort/Hvit (GBCH Washakie Chief As Great As - IECH INTCH Chandhally Chantilly Lace)(w) Opdrætter: Nina R Fleming, Cf83 8ng, England Ejer: Nina R. Fleming Cae Bach House, Cae Bach House ,cae Bach Machen, Caerphilly, Gb-Cf838ng Mid Glamorgan, England -
6 years old black spotted bitch, fullsized with good balance in hight and length and head. Moves fairly well out and back. Well pigmented. Good skull being flat with correct earset - EX

81. Bon'obis Icebreaking Iris
Dk05574/2007, 17/03/07, Hvid M Brun (DEVDHCH DECH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold's Hüsung - Bonnie)(w) Opdrætter: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, 8680 Ry Ejer: Vita Mark Sørensen, Søjbjergvej 6, 7600 Struer, 97464598 -
3 ears old bitch of correct size. Well pigmented, good legs and sound feet. Good topline and tailset. Very good underline - EX

Curias Bet On Barbette
Dk05039/2008, 05/03/08, Hvid M Sort (NOCH INTCH SECH Dalmo's Educated Edgar - Gwynmor Terra Nova)(w) Opdrætter: Jenvall, Charlotte Maag Og Thiessen, Hans, 3550 Slangerup Ejer: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, Havegårdsvej 1, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., 59320266 – 22947122 -
2 years old black bitch of correct size. Very strong pigmentation with beautiful eyes. Lovely temperament true for the breed. Would prefer stronger topline and more turn in the upper arm - EX

85. FICH LVCH RUCH INTCH EECH EUUV06 Holmankarin Josephine
Fin 36203/05, 18/05/05, Liver-White (SECH EECH LVCH FICH Ekryda Grane - Holmankarin Elisabeth)(w) Opdrætter: Ripatti Eeva-Maija, 03100 Nummela, Finland Ejer: Ripatti Eeva-Maija, Hopeasepäntie 1 A 1, Fi-03100 Nummela, Finland -
5 years old liver bitch of correct size and balance in angualtion and hight to length. Stands square. Would prefer stronger topline wich would improve hind movement - EX

86. Gardian Enzhel Be My Sweet Dream
Rkf 2236207, 14/07/07, White&black (INTCH RUCH Gwynmor Young Glory - RUCH Elayvli Dot)(w) Opdrætter: Artemieva O.A., 196601, Russian Federation Ejer: Artemieva K.A., Bogatyrskiy Pr., 30-2-143, Ru-197372 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation -
3 year old blackspotted bitch with strong pigmentation, but would prefer cleaner spotting. Fairly good length of neck into correct topline. Moved very well - EX

87. Gwynmor Yahimba
Nhsb 2588609, 17/12/05, Liver (Bell-A-Mir's Elegant Envoy - Gwynmor Quicksilver)(w) Opdrætter: A, Morgans, 8325 Pd, Netherlands Ejer: E. Kuipers, Kruislandsedijk 27a, Nl-4651 Rh Steenbergen, Netherlands -
5 years old liver bitch at the small side, with good temperament. Strong pigmentation. Would prefer stronger topline, moved adequately - EX

88. NOCH Shospot´s Wonder La Ninja
N 05369/06, 28/02/06, (NOCH Dalmo's Elegant Edward - NOCH Civelda's Keynote) Opdrætter: , Ejer: -
4 years old blackspotted bitch of good size. With correct temperament and coat. Fairly balanced angulation, level topline and correct tail. Pigmentation is too weak on the nose leather - EX

89. Allivalit Chanel
Dk05778/2007, 13/03/07, Hvid M Sort (SECH EECH LVCH FICH Ekryda Grane - Allivalit Amalie) Opdrætter: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, 4500 Nykøbing Sj. Ejer: Charlotte Willumsen, Vestervangen 75, 4300 Holbæk, 40454596 -
3 years old blackspotted bitch of good size with strong pigmentation. Correct temperament and ears. Would prefer a stronger topline - EX

Veteranklasse - Tæve

93. INTCH FICH SECH RUCH Holmankarin Fleur De Jour
Fin 23021/02, 01/04/02, White With Liver Spo (Gracilis Force Major - Nenotlav´s Elyce-Fluer)(w) Opdrætter: Eeva-Maija Ripatti, 03100 Nummela, Finland Ejer: Anna Eskola, Leikkiläntie 633, Fi-09220 Sammatti, Finland -
8 years old liver bitch. Wellmarked with correct coat. Balanced angulation and demonstrated on sidegate. Very pretty face and expression - EX1, Best veteran

95. DKCH Curias Somebody's Shadow
12458/2002, 24/06/02, Hvid M Sort (Curia's Of Old Origin - DKCH Curias Kassi Karisma)(w) Opdrætter: Charlotte Jenvall & Hans Thiessen, 2920 Charlottenlund Ejer: Charlotte Jenvall Og Tina Thorsen, Chr. Winthersvej 75, 4700 Næstved, 22257119 -
8 years old blackspotted bitch of good size. Correct temperament and pigmentation, strong spotting. Sidegate is very good and shows very well - EX2

90. FICH Gracilis Flower Power
Fin 12031/01, 27/12/00, White - Black (Caesands Vice Roy - FICH Caesands Rock'n Roll)(w) Opdrætter: Outi Nurmi, 14500 - Iittala, Finland Ejer: Outi Nurmi, Vastamäenkaarre 30, Fi-14500 Iittala, Finland -
10 years old blackspotted bitch. Beautyfully balanced. Correct neck, shoulder and topline. Well pigmented with beautiful eyes. Moves well especially for her age - EX3

91. Curias Nellie Nounou
12863/99, 19/06/99, Hvid M Sort (Cocheperro Peder Wessel - DKCH Curias Kassi Karisma)(w) Opdrætter: Charlotte Jenvall & Hans Thiessen, 2920 Charlottenlund Ejer: Bente Skovlund Madsen, Vårgyvelvej 1, 2690 Karlslunde, 46150102 -
11 years old black bitch. Correctly sized with good angulation. Typical feminine head with correct skull and earset. Strongly pigmented with her spotting showing her age - EX4