Kritikker fra udstilllingen i Hillerød 15. august 2009
Dommer: Elsbeth Clerc, CH

Hvalpe klasse hanhund.

954. Petershaves Loving Leonardo
DK03974/2009, 14/02/2009, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH Oriana´s Traceable Toffee – Victoria Of Arctick Innova)
O + E: Margrethe Kristensen, Øllemose vej 10, Rejnstrup, 4250 Fuglebjerg, Tlf.: 57521516
Correct spotted 6 months old male, masculine head and expression, strong bones, exc. angulated, well-developed body, compact easy mover.
SL 1. Bedste hvalp.

955. Petershaves Loving Liam
DK03978/2009, 14/02/2009, hvid m. brun.
(DKCH Oriana´s Traceable Toffee – Victoria Of Arctick Innova)
O + E: Margrethe Kristensen, Øllemose vej 10, Rejnstrup, 4250 Fuglebjerg, Tlf.: 57521516.
Ej mødt.

Hvalpe klasse tæve.

956. Petershaves Loving Lillieth
DK03973/2009, 14/02/2009, hvid m. brun.
(DKCH Oriana´s Traceable Toffee – Victoria Of Arctick Innova)
O: Margrethe Kristensen, Øllemose vej 10, Rejnstrup, 4250 Fuglebjerg, Tlf.: 57521516. E: Anne-Mette Agdal, Kaalundsvej 14, 3400 Hillerød, Tlf.: 26654169.
Liver with small spots, feminine head, good pigmentation, nice neck and shoulders, exc. rear, weak in top line, need time to improve her movement, needs ring training and better handling.

Championklasse hanhund.

957. DKCH Oriana’s Traceable Toffee
03337/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik’s Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Thanning Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Kaja Bisgaard, Kielshøj 3, 3520 Farum, Tlf.: 35109110.
Masculine in type, matching head, typical expression, solid top line, strong bones, exc. angulated, deep chest, moves with drive.

958. DKCH SECH INTCH Oriana’s Traceable Target
03334/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik’s Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Søren Jacobsen, Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 36755122.
Good type build on excellent outlines, nice head shape, good pigmentation, strong neck, straight front, solid body, corr. angulated behind, compact body, nice spots, movement correct behind, in front unstable.

Junior klasse hanhund.

959. Ekryda Tristan
Ej mødt.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

960. Ottopojan Önskarlyckatill
Fin 24257/2008, 09/03/2008
(FICH EECH NOCH SECH Rallallaa Tittelintuure – FICH EECH Ottopojan Wienerwalsii)
O: Guseff, Virpi & Kaj. E: Wallenius & Guseff, Kirsikkatie 11, Fi – 15870 Hollola, Finland.
Well sized male, correct in head and expression, good pigmentation, exc. reach of neck, straight front, strong bones, deep chest, well muscled rear, correct spots, moves with drive, but slightly loose in front.

Åben klasse hanhund.

961. Coastal Illuminant
FIN 36543/06, 03/06/2006, hvid m. sort
(Frökens Jupiter – Ottopojan Wienerwalssi)
O: Anne Skalin. E: Mario+diana Stodolka, Aufbauweg 06, DE – 04886 Arzberg Ot Köllitsch, Tyskland.
Masculine in type, matching head, good pigmentation and expression, slightly lazy ear carriage, exc. neck and shoulder, strong rear, deep chest, powerful mover, well spotted.
EX3. BHK4.

962. Xantino Vom Scheibenholz
VDH/DZB 26989, 09/09/2004.
(Gwynmor Undercover Agent – Santaná Vom Scheibenholz)
O: Petra Kujat. E: Andrea Mix, Strasse Des Friedens 13 B, De – 04654 Boehlen, Tyskland.
Balanced dog, with masculine head and expression, corr. top line, well-boned and angulated, needs to drop in body, moves with drive, nice spots, liver with good pigmentations.
EX2. BHK3.

Pkr Vi-9289, 09/09/2004
(VV INTCH ROCH SICH HRCH EUV Lacrima Christi Coppola – HRCH BACH SICH Spotnik´s Witty Wagtail).
O: Zelijko Radic. E: Anna Kozber, Lesna 1, PL – 62-095 Murowana Goslina , Polen.
Heavy spotted liver with good pigmentation, strong bones, well angulated, plenty of substance, free mover, slightly heavy in type.

964. American Idol
S44571/2007, 22/05/07, hvid m. sort.
(SECH DKCH NORDCH INTCH NOCH Labyrinth Perfect Harmony – Paper Moon’s Dream Catcher)
O + E: Lena Erlandsson, Lyftvågen 3, SE – 247 55 Dalby, Sverige.
Good size and breed type, masculine in head and expression, well made in front and rear, top line not level when moving, deep chest, heavy spots, sound mover, but slightly weak in front.

965. NOCH SECH Price-Spot´s Are You Ready
N 08510/06, 03/04/2006, hvid m brun.
(NOCH SECH DKCH NORDCH Spotnik´s Snow Storm – NOCH DKCH NORDCH Dalmo´s Xantippe)
O + E: Heidi Price, Nordlia, N -2818 Nordre Toten, Norge.
Built on excellent outlines, excellent head and expression, attractive top line, strong bones, excellent angulated, correct spots and pigmentation, a pleasure to go over this dog, powerful mover.

Championklasse tæve.

967. DKCH SECH Oriana´s Traceable Titania
03333/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH GBCH FRCH WW02 Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Pia S. Jensen, Nymarksvej 30, 7100 Vejle, Tlf.: 76420108.
Exc. in type, feminine head with correct outlines, strong neck, straight front, well muscled rear, compact body, sound mover.

Juniorklasse tæve.

968. Bon’obis Smiling Saga
DK16015/2008, 14/07/08, hvid m. sort.
(DEVDHCH INTCH CZCH Lord Leon Von Reinhold´s Hüsung – Bonnie)
O + E: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry, Tlf.: 86890670.
Well spotted solid constructed bitch, feminine head and expression, heavy spots, well developed in body, correct mover, lacks confidence.

Mellemklasse tæve.

969. O´talix´s Magic Mc.Luna
DK23457/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Up in size for a bitch, plenty of substance, typical headline, very good pigmentation, correct in front and rear, deep chest, solid body, moves with drive, for me she is slightly masculine.

970. Spotty Buddy Mon Cheri
DK22342/2007, 04/11/2007, hvid m. sort.
(Spotty Buddy Velvet Freckles - Leaveslake Sugar N Spice)
O + E: Tenna Johansen, Markdannersvej 33 Andst, 6600 Vejen, Tlf.: 75585394.
Very feminine, matching head, good expression, strong pigmentation, balanced body, well boned and angulated, heavy spots, sound mover.

Åben klasse tæve.

971. Frihedens Prinsesse Pallas
DK08755/2007, 11/04/2007, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)
O: Jens Mauritzen og Jette Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C. E: Jens Mauritzen, Thomas Boldsen Sørensen, Charlotte Larsen, Gentoftevej 18, 8000 Århus C, Tlf.: 86117162
Quality bitch full of substance, matching head, correct expression, strong pigmentation, heavy spots, corr. in front and rear, sound mover.
EX3. BTK4.

972. Kernehuset´s Zitha
06014/2004, 23/03/2004, hvid m. sort.
(T-Cart Obvious - Kernehuset’s Ronja)
O: Peter Christiansen, 5771 Stenstrup. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Elegant bitch, matching head, strong pigmentation and heavy spots, solid top line, sufficient chest exc. bones and angulations, easy mover.

973. FICH EECH Coastal Hattutemppu
Fin 23767/2005, 13/04/05.
(SECH EECH LVCH FICH Ekryda Grane – Marnellin Hat Trick )
O: Anne Skalin. E: Firtser, Lintunen, Skalin, Kirsikkatie 11, Fi – 15870 Hollola, Finland
Very feminine in head, type and expression, nice reach of neck, straight front, strong rear, fine bones, deep chest, sound mover, heavy spots, acceptable top line.

974. Roona Von Abasko
VDH/DZB 24794, 15/11/2003, hvid m. brun.
(Ottopojan Valloittaja – Hrushika Von Abasko)
O: Stodolka. E: Diana+mario Stodolka, Aufbauweg 06, De – 04886 Arzberg Ot Köllitsch, Tyskland.
5 years old, heavier in type but balanced, typical headline, good pigmentation, solid top line, deep chest, exc. angulated in front and rear, easy mover.

975. Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne
DK08756/2007, 11/04/2007, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)
O: Jens Mauritzen og Jette Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C. E: Erik Winther Olsen, Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38872710.
Well sized bitch, but today slightly carrying too much weight, well shaped head, good pigmentation and expression, well boned and angulated, good mover but needs more ring training, heavy spotted.

976. WJW08 Toot´s Counting On A Miracle
DK09649/2007, 10/01/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc´s Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot´s You Can Call Me Al)
O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi. E: Jens Møller Christensen, Kongshøj Allé 100, 5300 Kerteminde, Tlf.: 65325225.
Heavy spotted liver, heavier type, correct headline, straight front, could do with more angulation behind, deep chest, needs more ring training and better handling.

977. Curias Bet On Barbette
DK05039/2008, 05/03/08, hvid m. sort.
(NOCH INTCH SECH Dalmo´s Educated Edgar – Gwynmor Terra Nova)
O: Charlotte Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup. E: Peter Rasch, Karen Hylander, Havegårdsvej 1, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., Tlf.: 59320266.
Quality bitch of good size, feminine head and expression, good pigmentation, strong bones, well angulated, heavy spots, needs ring training and should not carry more weight, immature front movement.

978. NOCH Shospot´s Wonder La Ninja
N 05369/2006, 28/02/2006.
(NOCH Dalmo´s Elegant Edward – NOCH Civelda´s Keynote)
O: Shona Nedungadi. E: Ingvild Paulsen, Lille Breivi, N – 5307 Ask, Norge
Elegant bitch, well-sized, typical head and expressions, correct top line, well-angulated, correct spots, immature front movement.

979. Mellanmmöllan Bright Pearl
S66323/2006, 08/10/2006, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar – Mellanmöllan Tequila)
O + E: Annika og Lars Nielsson, Mllanmöllan, SE-27035 Blentarp, Sverige
Heavy spotted bitch, showing good type and substance, feminine head and expression, correct in front and rear, firm top line, strong bones, excellent mover.

980. Ekryda Rind
S 57667/2007, 01/08/2007
(Frökens Jupiter – Ekryda Lif)
O: P.O. Saleryd. E: Stark, Kortebov 8, Se – 56435 Bankeryd, Sverige.
Built on excellent outlines and shown in exc. coat and condition, typical head and expression, strong pigmentation, nice body, well boned and angulated, deep chest, sound mover, showed well.

Veteran klasse tæve.

981. DKCH O’talix’s Introduces A Magic Moment
13093/2001, 07/06/2001, hvid m.sort.
(SECH NOCH FICH NORDCH DKCH INTCH VV00 Jilloc’s A Man In The Mirror – Haymo’s Gira)
O: Mette Holmgren E: Karina Jessen Handberg, Bøgebjergvej 4, 4540 Fårevejle,Tlf.: 51327449
8 years old and shown in exc. condition, balanced in head and body, exc. front and rear, firm top line, does not show her age when moving.
EX1. BTK2. Bedste veteran